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Inertial Nullifiers generate an damping field that negates the effects of inertia, making the starship more maneuverable and adding +4 to the maneuverability and +2 to the combat speed.

Inertial Stabilizers reduce the effects of inertia and add +2 to the ship’s maneuverability and +1 to the combat speed.

Lightning Shields surround the ship in a devastating energy field that destroys incoming enemy missiles 100% of the time, reduced by 1% per tech level of the missile.

Neutron Stream Projectors hit all ships in a group and reduce their current armor by 40% +1 for every attacking ship.

Oracle Interfaces focus all of your ship’s beam weapons into a simultaneous attack at a single point on the enemy ship. This effectively halves the target’s shielding for all your beam weapons.

Pulsars are waves of energy generated by specially modified engines. They damage all ships adjacent to yours. The maximum damage an Energy Pulsar can do is 5 points plus 1 point for every two ships firing pulsars. For Ionic Pulsars, the damage can be up to 10 points plus one for each attacking ship.

Repulsor Beams hurl enemy targets back 1 space away from the firing ship each turn.

Reserve Fuel Tanks increase the range of ships by three parsecs.

Stasis Fields trap one group of enemy ships in a time vortex for one turn of combat. While trapped the enemy ships cannot fire or be fired upon. Ships equipped with stasis fields are automatically assumed to use their stasis fields against the first enemy that they attack each round, unless you intentionally turn off the stasis field.

Subspace Teleporters teleport ships to any space they want and give them first firing opportunity regardless of enemy initiative. Planets with Subspace Interdictors can nullify Subspace Teleporters.

Technology Nullifiers overload enemy computers and ECM generators. Effected targets temporarily lose 1-3 classes of battle computer and ECM, rolled separately for each. The effect is cumulative, and after a ship has been hit several times, its ability to attack will be severely impaired. If the victim ship survives, the damage will be automatically repaired when the battle ends.

Warp Dissipators disrupt the normal operations of ship engines and reduce enemy target combat speeds by 1 each shot. If the disrupted ships survive the battle, the warp engines will be restored after combat.

Zyro Shields surround the ship in an energy field that destroys incoming missile attacks 75% of the time, reduced by 1% per tech level of the missile.

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