This ui changes nearly everything which can be seen in the game. But instead of creating a completely new theme I tried to use the original moo3 look and to enhance it with many details.
In order to achieve this I used light effects, some textures and transparency effects, which also result in a somewhat darker look (imho especially transparencies are really a cool feature of the moo3 ui engine).
You can find screenshots of the mod in our gallery. Rating: 5, Votes: 14, Downloads: 32103 |
This patch updates Gofur's GUI mod: It fixes display issues (color menu, border mode), which were introduced with the moo3 code patch. Furthermore it includes a texture for the planet in ground combat, slightly improved univalue rings, modified victory/draw/loose circles, a few smoother transitions between tabs and menues and other minor changes. Rating: 5, Votes: 11, Downloads: 25433 |
PURPOSE : To produce a mod that incorporates all fixes/changes in the Vanilla stage, while expanding it to include Graphics, Sound, other cosmetic changes, and extras that expand the vanilla game. It should fix all known bugs or gameplay issues in the game and add extra components that do not change the game ... beyond that it should add nothing that changes the gameplay in anyway from vanilla. See contents for examples.
CONTENTS: The mod includes the following fixes.
All features of the *Vanilla* stage
Spacecombat Graphics mod : Updated graphics and sounds mostly from the SpaceFX mod 2.0
Star mod (From invader mod - with thanks)
Nebula mod
Improved Tech descriptions v4.0
Newleaf mod
Otsego Graphics FX mod
Some extra graphics mods from Invader mod.
Gofur UI mod
Flag pack
Encyclopedia mod
Gerra's Population Y-scale patch
Gerra's Empire Revealer patch
From Otsego's mods...
Extra messages - Sitrep
Extra planet specials
Spy missions mod
Improved race descriptions
Improved Orion Senate text
Improved Leader desc.
Improved help text
Improved planet desc text
Improved government descr.
Budget/economy text improved Rating: 4, Votes: 17, Downloads: 27845 |
PURPOSE: To produce a mod based on the UOP 'Strawberry' version, but that also includes lots of new, fun stuff. Basically, the 'Tropical' version is the same as the original with added content and realism (if a game like Moo3 could ever be called realistic).
CONTENTS: The mod includes everything that was in the strawberry mod, plus the following additions.
NoGrid code patch from Gerra
Autoconquer code patch (so Ai can still conquer planets late game... if a TF with a Stellar Convertor enters an undefended system, it will conquer it automatically... call it intimidation factor. SC's will be available at TL98)
Build Queue patch (Makes ground units use x10 option)
IncreasedHullSizes patch (More than 14 hull sizes)
One Turn Tech (Makes techs finish in one turn when tech level is reached -trust me, this is GOOD and usefull in this mod)
Starlane events (new starlanes appear)
Techlevels patch (Techs now go up to Level 98)
Race balance and Ethos mod - Richy's Ethos 1.0b mod, based on Bard of Preys Race balance mod 2.0 (Will continue to be refined - could use help on this!)
Increased Leaders Lifespans
WEAPON GFX/SFX OVERHAUL ( Changed all weapon GFX to ones more close to what they would look like in Real Life. Changed all SFX to something a bit closer. May be worked on more.)
Beam Weapons completely overhauled, both in capabilites, GFX/SFX, and tech levels... now makes Moo3 have 'periods' of weapon development, and all weapons are designed to have a particular purpose (Short range, Long Range or Point Defence).
TL 0 : Laser (SR/LR), MassDriver (SR/PD)
TL 20 : Fusion (SR), Quark (PD), Hard (LR)
TL 40 : Neutron (LR), Rail (PD), Hellfire (SR), Graviton (LR)
TL 60 : Phasor (LR), Plasma (SR), LFG (PD), Gauss (SR), Dark Energy (LR)
TL 80 : Disruptor (LR), Disintegrator (LR), Megabolt (SR), Tachyon (SR), Ion Pulse (PD)
TL 98 : Dark Matter (LR), Mauler (SR), Stellar Convertor (LR), Kohr-Ahr Spinner (SR)
New Weapon added : Kohr-Ahr Spinner
New weapon mod added : MIRV missiles
Added techs :
Stealth Device
Planetary MissileBase III
Planetary MissileBase II
Regional FlakBattery
Planetary Fightergarrison II
Planetary Fightergarrison III
Invasion Pods (for autoconquer)
Four new Fighter Chassis' added:
Bomber Chassis
Heavy Bomber Chassis
Heavy Assault Chassis
Advanced Bomber Chassis
New engines (warp and system) added: Now goes to Level 12.
Shields overhauled so they now act like shields. (REALLY WORKS WELL)
Planetary shields (seemingly) fixed. Still testing.
Tech tables rebalanced. Techs go all the way to TL98. (Research speed may need rebalancing) Rating: 4, Votes: 16, Downloads: 34472 |
Tired of the spy race? Just want to try diplomatic channels and make all players want to trade techs? If so this mod is for you. Rating: 4, Votes: 12, Downloads: 8841 |
This mod does three things:
- Adds prefixes to the tech names depicting school of research and level of school. (e.g. E39 Continuous Megabolt Cannon -> Energy school, level 39). Very useful when trading with other empires.
- Improves tech descriptions by adding what exactly the tech does. No more "This tech improves your efficiency slightly... figure out what "slightly" means by yourself."
- Corrects a number of wrong descriptions (mainly ship component statistics). Rating: 4, Votes: 13, Downloads: 20566 |
This mod replaces the default MoO3 cursors. Rating: 4, Votes: 10, Downloads: 5122 |
PURPOSE : To produce a mod to take the place of another official patch from QSI. It should fix all known bugs in the game, and change nothing else.
CONTENTS: The mod includes the following fixes.
Bhruics fixes:
Autobuild Fix (Fixes AI ship design problems) - Bhruics Patcher + autobuild.txt
Colony Display (Displays Race name on Colony ships) - Bhruics Patcher
Diplomacy Fixes (Game looks for Statements.txt instead of Diplo.txt) - Bhruics Patcher + Ostego's Diplomacy Mod
EmpireLimit (Increases possible number of empires in game) - Bhruics patcher
FighterInterceptor (Changes behaviour of figters in battle) - Bhruics patcher
Finance Wraparound Bug (Treasury suddenly goes into the negative) - Bhruics Patcher
Galaxy Configuration (increase number of galaxy configurations to 36)- Bhruics Patcher
Ground Combat Racial Picks bug (Racial GC traits do not function) - Bhruics Patcher
Orbitals (Increases number of Orbitals around planet) - Bhruics Patcher
Race Selection (Ensures no duplicate races until all used at least once) - Bhruics Patcher
Sitrep GC Bug (Ground Combat links in Sitrep do not work) - Bhruics Patcher
Spy Missions (Fixes non-working spy missons) - Bhruics Patcher
Tech Stuck Bug (Tech research never completes) - Bhruics Patcher
System Defence TF (increases number of ships in a system Defence TF to 32) - Bhruics Patcher
TF Display (Task forces appear automatically... no need to press 'b' twice) - Bhruics patcher
TFs per combat (Increases number of task forces on each side to 16) - Bhruics patcher
TechTurns Remaining Bug (Number of turns till research completes is shown incorrectly) - Bhruics Patcher
Transport Disband (fixes inability of the AI to invade planets) - Bhruics Patcher
Transport Selection (Makes AI select newer transports first) - Bhruics Patcher
Visbility Bug (TF's vanish during SpaceCombat) - Bhruics Patcher and changes to Techtables.txt
Gerra patches included:
Moo3transportdesignunlockerpatch(beta).exe - allows display of transport graphic in ship design screen
Moo3_Wait_Screen_Remover_Patch.exe - (Changes wait screen)
Moo3groundcombattextfixer.exe (enables all GC voiceovers)- Gerra's Code patch + RadioShowTags.txt
Moo3HistoryScale_Patcher.exe (Increases Y scale in history display)
Moo3RotateNewDesign_Patch.exe (Rotates new design when completed)
Moo3SchedulerZerotime_Patch.exe (enables ability to have 0 time for combat. i.e combats resolved automatically)
Moo3Shipgraphicsquality_Patch.exe (enables ability to select highres ship graphics in game setup menu by choosing highest quality)
Moo3_Combatzoom_Range_Patcherv2.exe (Increases zoom range in combat)
Moo3Speederpatch.exe (Remove delay from game .exe so game runs faster/smoother)
Moo3AU display patch (Changes balance display)
Moo3 budget cap 2nd version (caps budget spending)
Population Y-scale patch
Other fixes:
Antaran X Bug (Antaran X's can be lost permanently) - Antaran.txt
Planet Display Bug (Planetary Unrest panel shows Unicode) - PlanetLevel.dat by Ostego
Added original galaxy configurations back in, (plus one extra)
Antaran references added to :
Text corrections/addins :
wsevents.txt Rating: 4, Votes: 18, Downloads: 32976 |
This program allows you to edit your MoO3 save games. For a full list of features and version changes, open the readme/history.txt in the zip archive. Rating: 4, Votes: 16, Downloads: 18923 |
Cheats including:
Money - 100,000AU to start out with (really, that's enough)
Combat - Makes ground combat a lot easier.
Spies - Improves spy Cloak, Dagger and Luck. Also provides benefits of higher opressive settings.
Bioharvest - Lots of food from these DEAs
Mining - Lots of minerals and rare's from these DEAs
Manufacture - Maximize your Production Points
Research - Enhances DEAs but also scientists. Provides "Test Tube" bonus per population.
Trade - Get more out of trade agreements and space ports.
Environment - Important for the Mining and Manufacturing cheat users. Provides some benefits for the people mostly around reduction of pollution and unrest.
Diplomacy - Eases diplomatic matters. First test of this cheat resulted in half the known species asking me for a Non-Agression pact on Turn 2.
Colony - For those who want a boost like the money cheat, ensures you start with a better colony. Rating: 4, Votes: 17, Downloads: 20785 |
Get to keep your leaders for the entire game. Long lives and no random events or spy missions to kill them.
Version 3 updated the minimum and maximum luck (life) to 999. Rating: 4, Votes: 13, Downloads: 10389 |
View images within the .mob files
View and edit text files
View and edit spreadsheets Rating: 3, Votes: 10, Downloads: 12038 |
Get 550 points on each race to customize as you see fit. Rating: 3, Votes: 11, Downloads: 13202 |
This is an updated version of the Encyclopedia Mod originally created by Archangel_Brian.
Changes from v4.3 to v5.0:
-Added special "Appendix" folder to store images used in conjunction w/ certain articles (esp. ones that couldn't be formatted into the Encyclopedia itself).
-Rearranged some of the categories.
-Created a "General Strategy Guides" section.
-"Moo3 Strategy": Thread from the forum (3 parts)
-"The Art of the 'Hong Kong'" - extracted from above
-"Strifeguard's DevPlan Guide" (3 parts)
-"Making Diplomacy Make Sense: Fish Friends, Lizard Lovers, Human Haters" by pedxing
-"Designing the Multipurpose Ship" by Longspur
-"List of Diplomatic Tenses" Rating: 5, Votes: 2, Downloads: 16491 |
* optimized for Strawberry/Tropical UOP (gofur's UI) mods
This mod includes
* reorganized and improved Galaxy Screen resource display
* restored and adapted old gofur Galaxy Screen buttons
* added coverup-panels to Scheduler/Ground/Space Combat
Screens to minimize corruption in Space Combat
* gofurized Load/Save box (for Saved Game and Dev Plan)
* gofurized New Game and Galaxy Config backgrounds
* gofurized Foreign Office in a whole bunch of places
* gofurized Leaders background on Personnel Screen
* gofurized tabs for Planet, System, and Ground Combat
* gofurized selected ship box for Task Force Assembly
* fixed mouse scroll areas for Galaxy and Space Combat
* fixed Espionage so that List of Spies shows correctly,
and so that insert agent panel is in front of training.
* fixed Race Selection so that color picker is in front.
* pdexing' added her own strings, for use on the Galaxy Screen
* slipped in snazzy one-time "waiting" background that
has the sneaky effect of blacking the right-edge area
Rating: 5, Votes: 8, Downloads: 27349 |
The unmodded game contains 3 Main Government Series; Absolutist, Representative, and Collective. From the Spreadsheets the Government of Unique is present but was unused. Transitional Series, which Unique is from, was also found in the Games .txt files.
By adding the appropriate Unicode and kUnicode to the Racemodifiers.txt Government Tables and adding in the numbers for pick costs Unique is now available. The modifiers for Unique were already present in the GovernModifiers.txt Tables. The base modifiers for Unique present a Government that is adverse to work but big on recreation.
NOTE: To use this Gov?t the player will be greatly challenged at all levels of Difficulty.
There was parts of a 5th Government Series called Tribalistic. From these parts and some manipulation of Racemodifiers.txt, GovernModifiers.txt, and wsRaceDesc.txt files Tribalistic was converted to Random Choice.
With this Mod you will find 5 Choices (Checkboxes) in the Government Race Picks.
Absolutist, Representative, Collective Transitional and Random. Rating: 5, Votes: 2, Downloads: 8091 |
This is an updated version of Archangel Brian's Encyclopedia Mod. The following items have been added:
- Space Combat Mechanics (visage)
- Dev Plan Guide (Da_Blade)
- Magnates & Migration (QSI)
- "How to get the AI to build the Big Boys" (Chadmium)
- Updated planetary specials.
- Completed Hull size spaces
- Added Atmosphere and Temperature preferences to the Race Descriptions. (Standard & Magnate - from spreadsheets)
- Added base ground combat abilities for all races.
- Planetary
- Development Concepts and Tools for Macromanagers (Zodicus)
- Updates to various area (Nspace & Iskabis/rhyssan)
- Added links to Easter Eggs.
- Added some Keyboard and Mouse shortcuts from the readme files, including the shortcut for in-game Display of Hotkey List under "Keyboard Shortcuts" and "Mouse Shortcuts"
- Added missing '-' to the Harass battle plan under "Commanding Your Ground Forces"
- Changed Military Alliance to Defensive Alliance under "Diplomacy Overview"
- Changed Full Alliance to Full Military Alliance and added changed description under "Diplomacy Overview"
- Changed Task force size of Detachment to 1 and Squadron to 2-4 under "Task Force Types and Missions" to reflect changes by the patch. Rating: 4, Votes: 7, Downloads: 17051 |
Changes to version v1.0:
- DF damage increased slightly to counteract new fighter capabilities
- Increased the number of carriers will try to build and deploy
- Fixed an error in TF fielding.
- Adjusted cost of buildings down to about 1/2 of what it used to be to free up money for production.
- Adjusted cost of ground troops in field and in reserve in a continuing effort to encourage the AI to invade.
- Continue to adjust collateral damage rates to population, to keep the AI from razing every planet, every time.
- Added Bombers. Adjusted damage and space ratios for Interceptor, Space Superiority Fighter and Heavy Fighter as well.
Rating: 4, Votes: 6, Downloads: 7396 |
Updates the MoO3 Unofficial Patch Mod *Strawberry* v1.1 to version 1.2 Rating: 4, Votes: 5, Downloads: 20995 |
This mod includes 4 pairs of 7 new galaxy configurations (MoO3 only supports 7 at a time):
Ring Galaxies
Spiral Galaxies with varying numbers of arms
Odd Arms, some really cool and bizarre looking galaxies
Odd Clusters, along with random-styled arms Rating: 4, Votes: 5, Downloads: 10339 |
+40% Migration for all races (But Ithkul & Gasbags)
-16% Migration for Ithkul
-8% Migration for Gasbags
How this Mod works.
1.Colonise a planet.
2.When you have enough population set migration.
3.Select a planet to colonise in the same system as migrating planet.
4. 4-6 turns later the planet will be colonised by migration.
Multiple planets maybe colonised per turn.
Removes the need for system colonies & outpost ships.
Colonies that do not have the population to become colonies will become outposts first for your race. Rating: 4, Votes: 5, Downloads: 7403 |
This Mod rewrites the text of the 25 Computer proposed and 9 Player proposed Orion Senate Laws, so that the two description blocks on the proposed Law are not the same. Currently the top block will say for example, "This Law does ABC." and the second block will say, "If passed, this Law does ABC." I have re-written both blocks to give the game more flavor, by making the first block talk about the reason or goal for the bill, and the second the effects of the bill. Some Law summaries and sitreps have also been modified. Rating: 4, Votes: 5, Downloads: 9317 |
What this mod does:
- replaces all Sitrep graphics: including the small and larger system 'special' graphics --- A mix between Babylon 5/Star Trek and a few other Sci-fi sources.
- replaces several window backgrounds
- new main menu
- new ground combat graphic
- new turn waiting graphic
- new dev plan graphic
- and a few other things ...
For screenshots click here. Rating: 4, Votes: 9, Downloads: 7695 |
The point of this mod is to replace the boring purple blobs that pass as nebulas
in the game with something that is at least a bit more interesting. Rating: 4, Votes: 7, Downloads: 8424 |
If you miss Master of Orion II while playing MOO3, this mod is for you.
Music, sounds, and graphics from Master of Orion II : Battle At Antares.
Much more to come! This is only version 0.1! Rating: 4, Votes: 7, Downloads: 9515 |
This version of MegaMod 5 is only compatible with the post code patch game. Some bugs from the previous versions have been fixed. It includes:
GreyModPack 2
New Orion Revolt Mod
Improved Tech Descriptions GP
Ground Combat Techs
Encyclopedia Mod v3
Blackhole Pic Mod
MOO3 Starpack v002
Visage's Autobuilder Mod
Nebula Mod
Task Force Size Mod
Orion Sector Flag Packs 1& 2
Mithyk Flag Pack
Mithyk's Spy Mod
Leader Frequency Mod
NewLeaf Mod
Bard_of_Prey's Race Balance Mod
Orion Senate Laws Mod Rating: 4, Votes: 6, Downloads: 21619 |
This mod fixes the intended ground combat effectiveness by removing the accuracy, reflexes and toughness attributes (because they don't work, so they are effectively free points for you to use) and entering the totals into racemodifiers.txt where they will work. In order to prevent a large loss of racial point picks by the removal of those 3 attributes, a new "Military" attribute was added. The Military attribute effects fleet maintenance costs and military dea efficiency. The "Military" race pick retains the 70 point spread that made up the 3 removed attributes. eg: Grendarl are prohibited from taking Military "poor" and can gain up to 50 points for choosing to drop down to Military:Average. Rating: 4, Votes: 4, Downloads: 6691 |
Changes from previous versions are listed below:
- Decreased the damage ratio increase for missile warheads, to make them more static throughout the game
- Increased size of Ion fighter
- Decreased fighter damage across the board
- Continued effort to increase AI aggressiveness
- Continued effort to make AI invade more often
- Continued effort to balance TF makeup and composition
- Allowed LR into escort and picket rings
Feedback and suggestions always welcome!
Patton1942 [at] hotmail [dot] com Rating: 4, Votes: 4, Downloads: 6962 |
This is an updated version of my Race Balance Mod. It makes a number of changes, including the following: removes ground combat trait picks (they don't work), and makes the ground combat abilities part of racial hardwiring; rebalances the hardwiring bonuses and race pick bonuses; adds a brand new race pick (Social Order); updates the in-game descriptions of race picks and adds hardwiring bonuses to the in-game race descriptions.
There are also a bunch of minor changes, including a change to habitability preferences (to put Harvesters back on cold planets), and a few bug fixes. Full details can be found in the enclosed readme file. Rating: 4, Votes: 4, Downloads: 8627 |
Flag pack including the emblems of the MoO2 empires. Rating: 4, Votes: 4, Downloads: 7423 |
The overall scheme of this mod is to do the following things:
Improve the AI so you (and the opposition) build less crap and more useful stuff.
Improve game pacing so that you (and the AI) build more stuff, faster, but don't get swamped with technology so fast you can't get any of it built before it's outdated.
Make leaders appear more often, die less often, and harder to kill by spies.
Make the AI more aggressive when it declares war. Rating: 4, Votes: 4, Downloads: 6310 |
Ascension into Chaos is the newest Full Build of INVADER-Mod
It Includes:
* Myros Red Gui
* INVADER-ZIMs NavShipIcons
* Arcites first Diamond Shaped Starpack MOO3StarPack v1
* Space Combat Fx 3.0 (Combat FX 2.0 + GFX 1.0 + My own fixes.)
http://www.cdgroup.org/forums/tbs/moo3/download.php?id=185 Rating: 4, Votes: 7, Downloads: 7135 |
This mod does a few things:
Fixes all typos and misplaced punctuation in the diplomatic text
At least doubles the amount of phrases used
Gives each emphasis type more distinct responses
Fixes the broken Fulfill Obligation and Counter-Offer text
Adds more variety to the sentence structures so each response seems more unique
Rewrites most of the existing diplomatic text
The result of this is that each race has a more distinct personality, the messages make more sense, and are of a greater variety. There are still a few weird bugs that can only be corrected by a hard-coded fix, but they only show up in the lesser used diplomacy options so they should be pretty hard to find.
Changes since 1.0:
-Enabled more of the original, unused phrases.
-Fixed a typo that disabled almost half of the reply intro phrases
-Altered an unused function so that it now generates adjectives based
on the emphasis style
-Rewrote and moved existing text to different categories to make
better sense
-Fixed a lot of typos
-Doubled the amount of proposal phrases used
-Wrote many new phrases
-Shorter phrases now occur less frequently
-Added a few religious phrases for use with Richy's Ethos Mod Rating: 4, Votes: 7, Downloads: 10397 |
This file will allow you to build all those little things that Master of Orion 3 doesn't
originally want you to build. Things like Hydroponic Farms and Soil Enrichment will become accessible
via the planetary build queue. Rating: 4, Votes: 6, Downloads: 6962 |
MOO3StarPack is a simple graphical modification for Master of Orion 3. It
replaces all of the default starfield graphics (excluding the the tiny,
dot-like background stars).
Click here for screenshots. Rating: 4, Votes: 6, Downloads: 7820 |
I think I'm not alone in getting tired of seeing that same old brownish planet at the end of each and every turn. It really gets tiresome I think.
What this graphic MOD does is change the end of turn background picture constantly, so there is a fresh new view to look and ponder at while waiting for your next turn. Rating: 4, Votes: 5, Downloads: 11785 |
This mod makes extensive changes to ground combat. Most importantly, it corrects some serious issues with hand weapons introduced by the Data Patch (namely that the wrong weapons are assigned when research is completed, and researching any hand weapon at tech level 30 or higher leaves your troops with no weapons at all).
The overall effect should be more balanced and varied ground combat bonuses for various races and technologies, with a greater emphasis on 'realism' and playability. Rating: 4, Votes: 9, Downloads: 5907 |
This mod is a replacement and enhancement of 99% of the Graphic User Interface that the original game Moo3 came with.
It was partly inspired from the well loved Master's of Orion 2 GUI. Many textures from this game were used, manipulated, tweaked and enhanced to created something that gamers would have expected to have evolved. The design follows a metallic motif with enhanced buttons, scroll bars and backgrounds.
Go here for screenshots. Rating: 4, Votes: 8, Downloads: 6576 |
Replaces the original planet screens Rating: 4, Votes: 4, Downloads: 7842 |
This mod replaces the default galaxy set-ups with seven new ones. Included are 5 Spiral Galaxies, in increasing degree of size (60-250 stars) and complexity (2-12 arms), and 2 unique galaxies (The Imperial Eye, and Constellations of Chaos).
The spiral galaxies all have distinct, well-formed arms, and offer good strategic possibitlies. The smaller ones are particularly well-suited to multi-player games, especially one-on-one games with few if any AI opponents. The whole set should offer more variety and strategic possibilities than the defaults included with the game.
Details, including the changes from version 1.0, can be found in the readme file. Rating: 4, Votes: 4, Downloads: 8806 |
Here's a list of the changes:
The basic weapons are still the same. I only re-ordered a few of them. I did change some of their sizes, and boosted some of the damages. I mainly changed Shield penetrations and armor piercing values. But overall there are the same weapons that you know and love.
I reworked all weapons mods. The only mod that is the same is enveloping. These mods are, the heart of this mod. The weapons mods NOW allow the computer to use all available mods for their intended purposes. You will also find that certain mods maybe only available for certain weapons. I researched fiction and real theory, to come up with some of these ideas. The mass weapons you will find will primarily be you PD weapons for your ships. This is due to the rate of fire and constant damage; the only problem with this is the AI uses them just as well.
Switched Rail Gun to your first mass tech. Gauss cannon is second, Quark cannon is third and the Mass driver is now forth, and Dark Matter projector is last. I changed the order for theoretical reasons. Rail guns and Gauss cannons fire small particles or projectiles. The Quark cannon I improvised a theory of operation. The Mass driver was totally wrong for theory. It is something that would be used to launch space vehicles. I am still contemplating making this a planet-destroying weapon. In the mean time it should do well for bombarding planets :)
I have done some balancing of the weapons mods. I am not going to list the specifics here. You can always look at the tech descriptions.
I added two new classes of "fighters" the Bomber and the Heavy bomber.
I removed 5 missile classes, each transition to each warhead is 2x the strength. I needed tech level room for the mods.
Fire Bases:
DF base is now first on the list at level 0
Fighter base is level 4
Missile base is now level 8
I Increased the damages, and amounts of fighters and missiles.
I also decreased the fire rate.
Base values have been doubled. Deflection is the same.
I guaranteed all armors.
Hull Classes:
I moved the Light cruiser to level 4
Other Tech Changes:
I revamped the Taskforce rules to enlarge TF's and have a better mix of ships. This will help with the PD bug.
I also revamped the Military AI file to give better troop ratios. And Build ratios of ships to troops. More ships.
I eased the enemy aggression rating, so if you want it more aggressive just change it back to 70. Rating: 4, Votes: 9, Downloads: 8816 |
I've modded ethos back into the game as three separate race pick categories.
Version 1.0 includes:
Ethos Goals (Pursuit of knowledge, Honour, Materialism, Equality)
Ethos Society (Individualist, Clan, Nationalist, Universal)
Ethos Divinity (Monotheist, Polytheist, Atheist, Emperor-god)
In-game description of each pick (about four pages of text), and unique point values for each race that match the backstory.
This mod is made on Bard_of_Prey's Race Balance Mod. It includes all the changes from version 1.2 of his mod, except the Social Order category, which I removed. It was too similar to the Ethos Society category.
Plus, I've removed the pick points for Senate Membership. I thought it was kinda dumb, since random was free and you could just quick-game it until you got the starting position you wanted. From now on, any starting position you want is free. I however had to switch the order of the picks in that category, so that random would come last and be the default pick. Rating: 4, Votes: 6, Downloads: 8470 |
This is Myros' 2nd graphics mod for the MoO3 User Interface.
It replaces almost all the blue graphics in game with a new look.
Click here for screenshots. Rating: 4, Votes: 6, Downloads: 5276 |
Give it a go if you want to tinker around with your encyclopedia.
- Allows adding and editing of headers and encyclopedia entries. (Tags, Titles, Keywords, Links, Images, Entry text)
- Layout that resembles the in game encyclopedia. So you can tell at a glance what your encyclopedia will look like without having to launch MOO3.
- Imports default encyclopedia directly from .MOB files.
- Imports modified encyclopedias directly from .ZIP files.
- Allows sorting and arranging of entries and headers via drag-n-drop lists.
- Allows browsing of the graphics.mob file. Basically an image viewer / selector for Encyclopedia entries.
- Allows exporting to .txt files and also to .zip / .exe files that are setup to allow other users to unzip and use it instantly. Rating: 4, Votes: 6, Downloads: 6478 |
This mod makes the following changes:
1. Enforces Task force Rules. All TF's must have PD
2. Increases Task force size to 36 ships
3. Increases PD presence by 25%.
4. Increases Orbital size by 24X.
5. Increases System Ship size by 6X.
6. Increase Planetary shield Strength. Deflection up 25%. Strength up 10%.
7. Increase capacity of Fighter bases by 3X.
8. Increase capacity of Missile Silo's by 3X.
9. Increase fire rate of Beam bases by 5X. Rating: 4, Votes: 3, Downloads: 6501 |
It's life vs. non-life! Ithkul can have friends! Ithkul don't eat minerals!
Have a look at the readme for more changes. Rating: 4, Votes: 3, Downloads: 5471 |
Replaces original planet screens Rating: 4, Votes: 3, Downloads: 6362 |
Several graphics to replace the ship icons on the galaxy screen. Rating: 4, Votes: 3, Downloads: 6984 |
This Mod will add two extra menus at the end of the race traits section.
I created this Mod for people who find that the current system not flexible/interesting enough. The Race Radical Changes menu will make relatively significant changes to how your race works. The Race Toppers menu will allow you to take your race even further in a direction where they are already strong; in most cases they aren?t worth picking unless you?ve already been maxed out in that area. Rating: 4, Votes: 3, Downloads: 5147 |
It includes:
GreyModPack Final
ExtremePumkin's blackhole mod
MOO3StarPack v002
Alhazred's Covert Operations Mod
Sitrep Customized by JeBuS
NebulaMod by UnConeD
Task Force Size Mod by Orion Sector
Orion Sector Flag Packs 1 & 2
Mythik's Flag Pack Addon
Spy Efficiency Mod by JeBuS Rating: 4, Votes: 3, Downloads: 8166 |
This is a relatively simple mod to the way that the game displays and reports espionage.
It changes all known references to the spy as an individual into spies plural. With
this mod they are "Covert Operations" "teams" "agents" "networks" and so on. In addition all or at least 99% of the humourous and often irritating spy names have been replaced. Rating: 4, Votes: 3, Downloads: 5318 |
This mod will modify the Galaxy Option in MoO3 to include some wild and wonderful maps. Rating: 4, Votes: 3, Downloads: 6943 |
Update June 22th:
Slight shange to border policy modification.
Adjustment of ship building ratios.
Included Mods:
Reduced bonuses for Research on all Difficulty levels
Spy queue Increased to 8
Increased Slowdown from initial release to compensate for the fact that overdriving research now works. Slows down all research. Different fields are staggered in research times. Bio and Physical Sciences are faster to study than the other fields.
Marine is now a starting tech for all races.
Soil Enrichment and Deep Extraction mining - reduced tech level and guarranteed in research tree.
Changes to planets who build AI mil units. Change to Reserve %'s
Changed ping pong balls to GMP settings. Small change to border policy modification - increased lower from 3 to 4 Changes to builditembalance - reduced Transports to 0.65, Grunts to 0.9 and Colony to 0.65 all were originally 1.0
Modification to advantageneeded - only for Total war setting.
Shipratios and Taskforceratios changed to GMP1 levels.
SystemColonyShipPriority reduced to 10% (Was 20%) Rating: 4, Votes: 5, Downloads: 4666 |
This mod rebalances the Planetary and Regional specials.
Many of the existing specials were either not accurately described, not working properly, or just plain didn't make sense. These have been modified or replaced as necessary, and a few new ones added. The specials have also been reorganized so that Planetary specials now correctly appear at the top of the Planetary Infrastructure display, while Regional specials appear in the region to which their effects apply.
In addition, all the descriptions have been partially or completely re-written to provide more flavour, and accurate descriptions of effects.
The descriptions in the Encyclopedia are expanded to provide full details on the effects of the specials in numerical form. Rating: 4, Votes: 6, Downloads: 7350 |
Tired of staring at names on the starmap like Alpheratz? Now you can delight at names like Mafia, Oops, Hawking and Gonkula! Unexcited by battles over Iota-Orionis? Feel the blood pound as your navy fights over Tarawa, Porta, Tolnep or Klaatu! Snoozing as your minions broil backwaters such as Regor-B? Salivate as your merciless hordes annihilate tasty targets like Bob, Stalag-13, Jenna, Ix or Thoth! Yes, put some new life into MOO3 today with the incredible new Star Name File. Rating: 4, Votes: 2, Downloads: 5826 |
Everyone sort of likes each other, except for the Ithkul and NOs. The galaxy unites against their former oppressors! Rating: 4, Votes: 2, Downloads: 5241 |
Now fully compatible with Bhruic's Visibility Patch and Autobuild.
It includes:
* Gofurs GUI with newest updates.
* 255 TaskForces.
* Bomber Heavy Bomber and Assault Fighter Chassis added.
* Planetary Shields Rating: 3, Votes: 5, Downloads: 7900 |
This simple mod increases the overall pace of the game while decreasing the rate at which tech advances occur. Each file corresponds to one of the adjustments. To use only some of the adjustments, delete the file containing the adjustment you don't like. Rating: 3, Votes: 5, Downloads: 4753 |
This mod simply changes the fonts in the game so that the smaller ones are readable and not so fuzzy anymore. Rating: 3, Votes: 5, Downloads: 6211 |
This is a mod to the Encyclopedia which adds FAQs, Strategy Guides, Tips, Technical Readouts, and many other useful things that can be utilized in-game. Rating: 3, Votes: 6, Downloads: 9896 |
This mod replaces all Evon pics and movie clips with Mrrshan pictures. The text for the Evon has been changed as well. Rating: 3, Votes: 3, Downloads: 5262 |
New more-colorful icons that replace the original ones in the SitRep screen. Rating: 3, Votes: 4, Downloads: 4522 |
New icons that replace the original ones in the senate screen. Rating: 3, Votes: 4, Downloads: 4410 |
Included Mods:
Spymod, AI Planet, TechTables, Unrest, Military AI, Govern, TaskForce Rating: 3, Votes: 4, Downloads: 5267 |
Since the strategy guide tables leave a lot to be desired (several mistakes and omissions due to it being based on the beta product), being innaccurate in a number of points, CampFreddie created a new (complete) spreadsheet. Rating: 3, Votes: 6, Downloads: 8326 |
This mod replaces the original combat sounds and graphical effects. It does NOT affect gameplay/difficulty/weapon stats, only the aesthetic side of the game.
Further finetuned the spreadsheet values
Lots of enhancements to bolt weapons (speed, scale, explosion, frame rate, color...)
Some explosions redone
6 new/updated bolt animations
1 new beam animation / 2 beams updated
1 new enhanced weapon sound (overall: 23 of 24 weapon sounds replaced; nothing wrong with the original laser sound)
High-level weapons' sounds updated (mostly lower pitch, more bass)
Interceptor weapon effects further tuned down
Fixed lots of bugs, display errors, etc.
Removed the beta test 'rainbow texture'
For extra details, please visit http://www.ina-community.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=300893 Rating: 3, Votes: 7, Downloads: 12595 |
Even after two patches MOO3 still has a lot of problems that are hard for any beginning player to find fixes for. This mod tries to fix that by compiling all of the best mods made up to this point into one, with extra changes made by me as well. I've also tried to update the in-game Encyclopedia and tool tips to be more helpful and removed any references to nonfunctional elements of the game. I also added some explanations to the spreadheets and marked some tables that were nonfunctional.
For a full list of changes and fixes take a look at the readme file. Rating: 3, Votes: 9, Downloads: 10621 |
GreyModPack Final 2
Encyclopedia_Mod_v3 Plus More Info added by JeBuS
ExtremePumkin's blackhole mod
MOO3StarPack v002
Mithyk's Spy Mod
NebulaMod by UnConeD
Task Force Size Mod by Orion Sector
Orion Sector Flag Packs 1 & 2
Mythik's Flag Pack Addon
Visage's Autobuilder Mod
NewLeaf Mod
Bard_of_Prey's Race Balance Mod
BlackHat's OrionSenateLaws Mod
BlackHat's Sitrep and Tech Icon Mod
Bard_of_Prey's Galaxy Configuration Mod Rating: 3, Votes: 7, Downloads: 13958 |
This mod was created to fix the only area of the game that Gofur's UI hasn't yet covered: the main menus.
The New Game, Options, Multiplayer, and Credits screens have all been modified in the style of Gofur's UI and given all-new graphics. Also, Each race has been given a unique startup screen that shows their home worlds, yet still stays faithful to the games original style. Rating: 3, Votes: 6, Downloads: 6324 |
This is a BETA mod.
List of gameplay changes:
Ship Weapons Mounts:
Increased size of Spinals.
Reordered the mounts for efficient computer usage.
Changed size and cost of some mounts. The PD mount has a Fire rate increase.
Switched Mass driver to Gauss cannon positions for theoretical reasons.
Moved Quark Cannon and modified.
Changed all Improvement mods. I have full descriptions in the game.
(I don't want to spoil them for you)
The computer now uses ALL weapons mods, because of the space costing only .999. It sees that as an improvement. (Thanks Sirian)
Here are some of the weapons mods you'll find, Pulse fire, Ultra fire, Targeting Modules, Overloads, and more.
I renamed the SCFC to Heavy fighter.
Added Bomber, and Heavy Bomber.
Added Ecm and Eccm pods to chassis.(Need more testing)
Added Symbiotic Neural interface to Fighter Chassis.(Need more testing)
Problem: Could NOT change speed of fighters or bombers.
Added Hard beam and LFG to fighter weapons.
Removed Death beam.
Each fighter weapon now has a Mod. (I am still working on their descriptions)
The mods are not as powerful as their ship counterparts.
I have recalibrated Missile chassis to reflect range and damage capabilities.
I.E. The smaller the missile, the shorter the range.
I added ITAV to the chassis, it's a Mirv system.
I also added a targeting system.
Missiles accuracies start at 70% and work up by tech.
I increased warhead strengths
Proper display of Reloads, and racks.
I have changed many of the tech levels for MANY things that you should not have at the start of the Game. You will have the fighter base at the start but all of the other planetary defenses you have to research and they are not guaranteed. Speaking of guarantees, all armors(not Mods (Thicknesses)) are all guaranteed now.
I also slowed down the Tech, If you go at a normal pace you will get 100 turn per 10 tech levels. Rating: 3, Votes: 3, Downloads: 4876 |
This pack replaces the game's font with more readable ones. This fontpack is a replacement not an add-on, but care must
be taken that the files are extracted ONLY to where they should go inside
the game folder otherwise you can get the Version Mismatch error if they
are placed in the wrong path. Rating: 3, Votes: 3, Downloads: 4225 |
Removes duplicate star names in StarNames.txt Rating: 3, Votes: 3, Downloads: 6524 |
Adds several new planet skins including one of Earth Rating: 3, Votes: 2, Downloads: 5591 |
Adds new skins for gas giants Rating: 3, Votes: 2, Downloads: 4799 |
Nice and clear font pack, big fonts, very readable. Rating: 3, Votes: 2, Downloads: 5582 |
Always wanted to be an Empress instead of Emperor?
Capital "Sir!" in sitrep now either "my Queen" or "my Lady".
Lowercase "sir" in radioshow is now lowercase "m'lady".
All your spies are now female too, as an added bonus. Rating: 3, Votes: 2, Downloads: 4257 |
This version only contains the spreadsheets and encyclopedias of version 2.2E. Rating: 3, Votes: 2, Downloads: 10219 |
This mod rebalances the various Governments and Government Series available in the game. The Government Series have been rebalanced so that Representative and Collectivist Governments justify their cost in 'race pick points', and the specific Governments are changed so that they are balanced against each other within each Series. The specific effects of each Government have also been changed to make them more 'realistic' and varied, and to ensure that each form of government is useful in different situations.
Finally, all of the in-game descriptions and Encyclopedia entries for Governments and Governments Series have been completely re-written, and sections added to the Encyclopedia to list detailed effects of each Government in-game. The Encyclopedia setions have been provided in separate text files so that they do not conflict with any existing Encyclopedia mods you may be using. Rating: 3, Votes: 2, Downloads: 6965 |
Increased Slowdown from initial release to compensate for the fact that overdriving research now works. Slows down all research. Different fields are staggered in research times. Bio and Physical Sciences are faster to study than the other fields. Rating: 3, Votes: 2, Downloads: 4476 |
Myros GUI Replacement Red & Steel (Myros)
Transport Correctional Mod V1.1 *FIX* (Gerra)
Missle Mod 2.0 (PD Fix) *FIX* (Always_Almighty)
Orion Sector Task Force Size Mod (Orion Sector)
MOO3StarPack v1 *Was Nuked By Auther Remade*
High Quality Light Cruisers NavShipIcons (INVADER-ZIM)
Improved Tech Description v4
Improved Ground Combat Tech Descriptions
War Cursor Mod *NEW* (INVADER-ZIM)
Combat Status Icon Mod
Icons mod
Orion Sector Official Flag Pack (Orion Sector)
Orion Sector Official Flag Pack Expander (Orion Sector)
StarName *FIX* (Always_Almighty)
*Newest QSI Information Added*
*First DataPatch INFO Added*
NOTE: This mod does not come with an AI mod so you can install your own or copy over your files already modded without ruining your AI mod.
*Second DataPatch Info Added*
V 1.2
War Cursor Mod 1.3 (INVADER-ZIM)
Nebula Mod Added (UnConeD)
Bad Sounds Removed (INVADER-ZIM)
Leaders Live longer (Mithyks)
Leaders are replaced when a Leader dies (MegaMod 4.1)
New Ground Combat Techs, (Bard_of_Prey)
Spies live longer are cheaper and have new missions,(Mithyks & Archnem)
Techslowdown Removed (INVADER-ZIM)
Economics Race Pick re-added (INVADER-ZIM)
Missle's slighty more powerful than datapatch (Always_Almighty)
*Bug Fix Version*
1. Deleted specials.txt it causes a direct x surface error. (lockup)
2. There is 1 spy mission missing. It says PLANULT12 instaid of a mission.
(game still plays)
3. I have to add new ground Force techs to improved tech discriptions.
(game still plays)
Slight tweaks to all text files. Bugs Fixed
New Senate Icons
New Sitrep Icons (INVADER-ZIM) (AlexiusK) (Richy)
New Governments (INVADER-ZIM) Rating: 3, Votes: 2, Downloads: 25245 |
Adds new improved background images to MoO3. Some images are taken from ST and B5.
Here are some screenshots. Rating: 3, Votes: 2, Downloads: 4893 |
This mod replaces the default galaxy set-ups with seven new ones. Included are 5 Spiral Galaxies, in increasing degree of size (60-250 stars) and complexity (2-12 arms), and 2 unique galaxies (The Imperial Eye, and Constellations of Chaos).
The spiral galaxies all have distinct, well-formed arms, and offer good strategic possibitlies. The smaller ones are particularly well-suited to multi-player games, especially one-on-one games with few if any AI opponents. The whole set should offer more variety and strategic possibilities than the defaults included with the game. Rating: 3, Votes: 2, Downloads: 5142 |
This program allows you to edit player colors and flags. Version 0.3 also allows ship editing. Rating: 3, Votes: 6, Downloads: 5986 |
This is a final bugfix version for the Spreadsheets of Invader Mod. It will update ANY version of Invader Mod to support MoO3 v1.2.5. Rating: 3, Votes: 4, Downloads: 8106 |
This mod increases the maximum ship limit , starting from 10
to 200 for Armada, and decreases the minimum ship
limit to 1 in any kind of task force. Rating: 3, Votes: 4, Downloads: 5196 |
More Meat Per-Ship
INVADER-Mod Now has its own Auto-build Mod.
2.5b & 2.5c "Bugs Squashed" Rating: 3, Votes: 6, Downloads: 12058 |
This pack replaces the part of the UI with custom graphics,
eventually this pack will replace the complete interface but it will be done
in steps.
This graphics pack is a replacement not an add-on, but care must
be taken that the files are extracted ONLY to where they should go inside
the game folder otherwise you can get the Version Mismatch error if they
are placed in the wrong path. Rating: 3, Votes: 3, Downloads: 4425 |
New fonts for MoO3 Rating: 3, Votes: 3, Downloads: 4079 |
This mod enhances how the AI works (ship design, various modifications to weapons).
Also removed techs that did not work and ground combat techs because of the AI's inability to use them.
Reworked certain ratios in various tables affecting how the AI works.
Reworked the races and governments to match the descriptions in the manual.
Further enhanced the shipbuilding, the mods are researched before the actual weapon is, forcing the AI to use all weaponmodifications as the weapon get used.
All changes should be mentioned in the readme, next update will probably contain new descriptions for the encyclopedia. Rating: 3, Votes: 5, Downloads: 16889 |
This mod rebalances the various Governments and Government Series available in the game. The Government Series have been rebalanced so that Representative and Collectivist Governments justify their cost in 'race pick points', and the specific Governments are changed so that they are balanced against each other within each Series.
Steps have been taken to eliminate the exploit whereby players could reduce their HFOG easily at the expense of the AI. Difficulty levels have all been changed, and the difficulty of every level above 'Easy' has been significantly increased, in the hopes of having the AI provide a greater challenge.
Finally, all of the in-game descriptions and Encyclopedia entries for Governments and Governments Series have been completely re-written, and sections added to the Encyclopedia to list detailed effects of each Government in-game. Rating: 3, Votes: 4, Downloads: 4235 |
This mod replaces the original ship speeds with slightly faster ones to start the game faster. This was developed with multiplayer in mind, but works fine for single player. Rating: 3, Votes: 4, Downloads: 4414 |
This mod deals with tech balancing mostly.
I nerfed missiles by something like 60%, increased hull space by a factor of 5 to increase hull points. All techs were likewise increased. Added heavy fighters, balanced PD mounts and made some changes to MilitaryAI to make it more aggressive and keep the number of Mobilization centers more reasonable.
-Patton Rating: 3, Votes: 2, Downloads: 7165 |
New Sitrep Icons
New UI Screens
New Spreadsheets-{AI Added}-{Taskforce size restored to default}
:WARNING: INVADER-Mod now has its own MilitaryAI.txt and will overwrite other AI mods. Backup your spreadsheets directory. Rating: 3, Votes: 2, Downloads: 6439 |
Invader Mod v4.0 Full or v4.9 Full required.
*Fixed bug in Spymissions.txt where Bhruics Spymission patch would cause bankruptcy with INVADER-Mod.
*Fixed bug in Spymissions.txt that allowed the AI to cause instant revolts with Bhruics Spymission patch.
*Fixed bug in Recon taskforces. Recon were not depoloying core ships.
*Re-added Mythiks spymod missions that use tags EvEmpMod and EvPltMod. (And fixed those who don't work or cause problems above.)
*Added unrest.txt forced ship deployment technology
*Made all ground support units magazine, militia,
*Added Bhruics GalaxyConfigurations Mod. with INVADER-Mods galaxys included.
*Tweaked MilitaryAI.txt
*Updated Autobuild with new invasion technology.
(New Formulas by PirateRob)
1 TroopPod per Transport & Carrier.
(Forces AI to deploy multiple Troopships. Creating Flotilla and above sized taskforces for transports, instead of just one ship taskforces.)
*Removed planet destroyer from Mauler Device SR and Dissintigration Beam LR Rating: 2, Votes: 3, Downloads: 9922 |
With the HABI Tool you can edit the optimal atmosphere and temperature values of each species (both playable and non-playable). Rating: 2, Votes: 3, Downloads: 4338 |
This Cursor Mod is meant to replace the default MOO III cursors. They are simple, semi-transparent and meant to be less intrusive than many cursors.
Mod by Dave King @ scifiimages.com Rating: 2, Votes: 3, Downloads: 4711 |
Replaces the default stars with more realistic ones.
Go here for screenshots. Rating: 2, Votes: 3, Downloads: 5601 |
A mod to help lessen the effect of the PD bug. Missiles are still powerful, they are just dropped down a touch. Rating: 2, Votes: 3, Downloads: 4846 |
1.2.5 MilitaryAI.txt
1.2.5 DeaTables.txt
1.2.5 AIPlanet.txt
1.2.5 Population.txt
Re-Written CollateralDamage.txt
Re-Written GCArmySize.txt
Planetary Bombardment Mod *NEW*
INVADER-Mod Now Contains its own weapons mod. Rating: 2, Votes: 4, Downloads: 13098 |
All this does is replace every instance of the greco-roman "government" icon with a picture of the Canadian parliament. Rating: 2, Votes: 9, Downloads: 3866 |
This mod is similar to the original Ultimate Human Boost but also gives the Humans a money bonus of 1 000 000 AU. Rating: 2, Votes: 6, Downloads: 4746 |
These images replace the three brown and black terrain icons and the five identical fertility leaves. Rating: 2, Votes: 4, Downloads: 5520 |
Increases the populations on planets by factors of 8. Minimum pop seen 2.000 maximum seen 60.000.000. Bioharvest and Mine Eff's increased to keep the peeps fed and busy.
Also included are a few changes to the spybuilding.txt (48 max training at once). Rating: 2, Votes: 2, Downloads: 4752 |
This mod is intended to improve the competition level of the enemy AI. It increases the effect of the difficulty setting on the enemy's HFOG and .. check the readme file for more info. Rating: 2, Votes: 2, Downloads: 4716 |
Merges modifications made by different people to one single file. Rating: 2, Votes: 4, Downloads: 5596 |
Make the human race as powerful as the Antarans by using the new race customization options of this mod. Rating: 2, Votes: 5, Downloads: 4978 |
This mod makes the following changes to human base attributes:
Bioharvest (to good)
Manufacturing (to good)
Trade (to good)
Enviromental (to average)
Diplomacy (to good) Rating: 2, Votes: 4, Downloads: 4475 |
Including a new graphic for ground combat and a new troops landing sound. Rating: 1, Votes: 2, Downloads: 5492 |
HTML leader list of all leaders in MoO3. Every entry with image and detailed description. Text in German. Rating: 1, Votes: 1, Downloads: 4431 |
Rating: 1, Votes: 1, Downloads: 3795 |
This mod replaces the original Drop Troops sound. Rating: 1, Votes: 1, Downloads: 3482 |
This mod replaces the original Drop Troops sound. Rating: 1, Votes: 1, Downloads: 4359 |
This mod replaces the original Drop Troops sound. Rating: 1, Votes: 1, Downloads: 3306 |
This mod rebalances the various races in the game. Starting picks and racial hardwiring have been balanced separately, but each race now has roughly the same number of 'points' worth of starting picks. In addition, changes have been made to the racial hardwiring bonuses, especially for magnate races (who have been made much more diverse, and more useful for domestic purposes, while less over-powering militarily).
The preferred habitats of all races have also been changed, mostly for balance reasons (some races were getting shafted when it came to finding decent planets, or were getting planets that didn't suit their gravity preferences). Rating: 1, Votes: 1, Downloads: 4405 |
This mod replaces the star, black hole, and neutron star images.
Mod by Dave King @ scifiimages.com Rating: 1, Votes: 1, Downloads: 5489 |
This Mod replaces the default menu buttons along the top and bottom.
These buttons are modded versions of Myros's efforts. The colours have been changed as well as brightened up. Rating: 1, Votes: 1, Downloads: 4496 |