Pardus is a free Massive Multiplayer Online Browser Game (MMOBG) playing in a future where traders, pirates and other pilots of various races and factions strive to gain wealth and fame in space. "[...] I also find it sad to see games that require to work 24/7 just to catch up. I've tried several other online games sinced I joined Pardus but none of them gives a free and relax atmosphere as we have here." - user comment
December, 2004
Posted by Bladefist on December 28, 2004 at 12:03:09 AM (218 views)
I have received three new MoO3 strategies by Psilondude:
There are also three new mods in our archive. Two of them are updates to DarkCrimson's planet skins mod - you can find them here.
Another mod added earlier is Lennier's Unliving Mod v1.0.
Concept art, screen shots, game graphics and other assets are provided
courtesy of Quicksilver Software, Inc. and are used by permission.
Copyright (c) 2001 Quicksilver Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Master of Orion is a registered trademark of Infogrames Entertainment
S.A. Neither Quicksilver nor Infogrames Entertainment S.A. have
reviewed or recommended any other content on this site.