All Purpose Ship
Ever thought of a balanced starship?
Put your best missile, point defense, with 5 to 6 racks.
Add up to 100 point defense beam weapons to take care of the
enemy missiles and fighters (phaser work best, hard beams
second best, use improved weapons and both miniaturisations).
Load about 10 fighters, not too big (phaser if available).
Add shield (small or medium) and other things like ecm, eccm,
cloaking. Don't try to exceed a speed of 2000 but use your
best engines. Space left? Add some long distance beam weapons
like phasers, dark energy beams or similar in your best spinal
Classify this ship as recon and what have you got? One all-purpose
ship that can fill up recon armadas to full strength and deal
with even more numerous opponents, combining indirect fire,
missile defense and target saturation. No more fretting about
what armadas to form, and how to combine the ships.