Tom Hughes Strategy
Series: Economy 101
(from Atari forums)
I am going to start writing a series of posts on economics
and solar system/ planet creation. I have decided to do this
for two reasons. First, several reviewers and beta testers
have had a problem fully understanding the economic system
because of its depth and the UI not giving enough information/
control yet. And, second, because this is a rather complex
economic system, many of you are going analyze it. I know
its going to happen and by giving out a lot of information
I hope that this analysis will tell me something I don't know/
didn't think of, instead of just telling me something I already
I also wanted to talk about micro vs macro management
in MOO3. When it was decided to move MOO3 in the direction
of macro management early on in the design process, I knew
that any player that micro manages( and that's me) would hate
to be forced to macro manage. For my part, I decided the best
way to ease the micro manager into macro management as the
game progressed would be to create a planet development/ economic
system so vast. so intricate. that the micro manager would
THANK GOD he could delegate some of those tasks to the AI
as the number of planets he controls reached into the hundreds.
In other words I've tried to kill them with kindness. At least
this was my goal.
OK, now for some meat. Below I have created a table that
interconnects the relationship between food, minerals, industry,
test tubes, production points( PPs), research points( RPs),
and, of course, AUs. Briefly:
Food and Minerals - are the basic commodity needed
to nourish the population and fuel the economy.
Industry and Test tubes - are used as governors for
the final price (in AUs) of production points and research
points respectively.
Production Points and Research Points - are used
as the cost for any construction and research respectively
(I. e. a ship that costs 1000 means it costs 1000 PPs - the
number of AUs needed depends on the Industry base of the planet
and your Industry overdriving efficiency).
And AUs make the worlds go around (pun intended).
Bioharvest (food)
Bioharvest DEA 2 regional blds (Hydroponic Farms and Subterranean
Population (except Geodic).......=>..... life, Industry,
and AUs
Industrial DEA (/ w bio blds)....=>...... Industry, and
excess food sold off......=>...... AUs
Mining DEA
WHAT USES IT........................... WHAT IS CREATED
Population (only Geodic & Cybernetiks).=>. life,
Industry and AUs
Industrial DEA...................=>. Industry and AU's
excess minerals sold off............=>. AU's
Population Industrial DEA
AUs (Industry determines cost of PPs).=>...
Production Points( PPs), Pollution
Test Tubes
Population Research DEA
WHAT USES IT...................... WHAT IS CREATED BY
AUs (Test Tubes determines cost of RPs).=>... Research
Points( RPs)
Production Points
Industry + AUs
Building anything( the cost is in PPs)..=>.
construction of building, troop, or ship
Research Points
Test Tubes + AUs
R& D of tech.( the cost is in RPs)..=>.
any tech discoveries
Bioharvest DEA
Mining DEA
Industrial DEA
Spaceport DEA
Recreation DEA (with game patch)
Pollution cleanup
Production Points
Research Points terraforming
In the table above there is no connection horizontally between
"what produces it" and "what consumes it" (other than dealing
with the same commodity). How a commodity is produced has
no effect on what can consume it. BUT there is a direct connection
between "what consumes it" and "what is created by that consumption"
(hence, the use of "=>"). So "life, industry and AUs" is
only created by "population" consuming food, not by "excess
food sold off" (which only produces AUs).
Part 2
Mining DEAs
Mining DEA’s produce minerals (and the AU’s from
using those minerals) and AU’s from rare byproducts.
All DEAs require pop to run. There are three levels of pop
requirements, high, med, and low.
There are also three cost basis for DEAs, high med, and low.
Mining DEAs have a LOW pop requirement and a LOW cost basis.
Therefore, they are an attractive DEA to build on young colonies.
The formula for determining the mineral output of a mining
DEA is as follows:
(Base efficiency + Base efficiency mods ) * Efficiency mods
* DEA Capacity
BASE EFFICIENCY – This is the basic
mineral output of the mining DEA before any mods affect it.
You can think of this as the starting productivity of the
DEA. The base efficiency of a mining DEA depends on which
region it is placed (only mining and bioharvest DEAs are so
effected) and is as follows:
Displayed as mineral richness by terrain type
Very Poor |
Poor |
Abundant |
Rich |
Very Rich |
Plain |
1 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
Broken |
1 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
8 |
Mountain |
2 |
3 |
5 |
8 |
12 |
A mining DEA placed in a region with mountain terrain on
a planet with a mineral richness of abundant would have a
base efficiency of 5. That mining DEA would produce 5 minerals
if no other mods affected it.
BASE EFFICIENCY MODS are mods that directly affect the base
efficiency of the DEA and are added to the base efficiency
before any other mods take effect. They consist of:
(species mods + race picks + mining DEA buildings + mining
DEA planetary builds + mining achievements)
species mods
Elder Civilization (Antarans) |
Silicoid |
EFFICIENCY +4 (This might be a typo….seems
pretty high) |
Bulrathi |
race picks (Mining)
Efficiency |
Rare |
Superior (+2) |
1.3 |
Good (+1) |
1.15 |
Average (0) |
1 |
Poor (-1) |
0.85 |
Below is a table for the rest of the mods organized by increasing
techs. The numbers in () represent the mod to base mining
efficiency. Don’t be fooled by the small numbers. These
mods can have a MUCH greater impact on the final output of
the mine because they are factored in FIRST before any other
mods. A +1 could give a net boost of 25 to mining output late
in the game.
Cost |
Tech Lvl |
DEA Bld |
Planetary Bld |
Achievement |
25 |
Economy 11 |
Automated Mine (+1) |
60 |
Economy 21 |
Robo Mining Plant (+2) |
60* |
Physics 24 |
Orbital Lithoscanners (+1) |
0 |
Math Computers 29 |
Geo Harmonic Principles(+1) |
100 |
Economy 31 |
Nanotech Extractors (+3) |
175* |
Physics 40 |
Mineral Analysis Network (+2) |
* the cost is multiplied by the square root of the number
of regions on the planet. Therefore the multiplier has a range
of 1-3.46. Weigh the benefit/cost before building one of these
planetary buildings because the cost is the same regardless
of the number of mining DEA present on the planet (I.e. don’t
build one if there are no mining DEAs on the planet).
EFFICIENCY MODS are mods that usually affect all DEAs on
the planet and are
(Infrastructure*Gravity*Leaders*Government type*Morale*Pollution*Specials*Moon
DEA productivity from population)
I will cover this later since it pertains to all DEAs on the
DEA CAPACITY is from the DEA (always one) and any capacity
buildings present. All Capacity buildings require additional
population to run and represent the “extensiveness”
of the DEA facilities. These buildings generally give a greater
boost to mineral production than efficiency buildings but
cost more and require population to run.
Cost |
Tech Lvl |
Capacity Bld |
Pop Requirements |
50 |
0 |
Mine DEA (1) |
0.33 |
40 |
Physics 6 |
Deep Extraction Mining (+0.5 or
+50%) |
0.33 |
100 |
Physics 16 |
Full Crust Mining (+1 or +100%) |
0.33 |
180 |
Physics 26 |
Complete Mantle Mining (+1.5 or
+150%) |
0.33 |
300 |
Physics 36 |
Deep Core Mining (+2 or +200%) |
0.33 |
If you have all 4 capacity buildings present in a mining
DEA the total capacity would be 6 and the pop requirements
to run at 100% would be 1.65 pop
The amount of money earned from the usage of minerals depends
on how they are used.
Consumed as food – 30 AUs/mineral
Consumed by Industrial DEAs to create Industry – 15
Any excess sold off – 7.5 AUs/mineral – this is
multiplied by (100% - the unemployment rate) to simulate supply
and demand for the excess minerals.
Below is the money earned by a mining DEA producing only
the minerals from its base efficiency (all other mods having
no effect in this example) and having ALL of the minerals
produced consumed by Industrial DEAs on the same or shipped
any other planet.
Very Poor |
Poor |
Abundant |
Rich |
Very Rich |
Plain |
15 |
15 |
30 |
45 |
75 |
Broken |
15 |
30 |
45 |
75 |
120 |
Mountain |
30 |
45 |
75 |
120 |
180 |
DOUBLE these numbers if all the minerals are consumed as
food and HALF them if all are sold off as excess.
This represents any exotic/rare minerals (like gold, gems,
etc) found during the mining process and gives a bonus to
AU’s produced by the mine without affecting its normal
The formula is: AUs = minerals produced * mineral richness
factor * 4 * race pick
This formula is illustrated below assuming a mining DEA with
only it’s base efficiency:
Very Poor |
Poor |
Abundant |
Rich |
Very Rich |
Plain |
1 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
Broken |
1 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
8 |
Mountain |
2 |
3 |
5 |
8 |
12 |
Very Poor |
Poor |
Abundant |
Rich |
Very Rich |
1 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
8 |
tuning variable of 4 * race pick
gives a result of
Very Poor |
Poor |
Abundant |
Rich |
Very Rich |
Plain |
4 |
8 |
24 |
60 |
160 |
Broken |
4 |
16 |
36 |
100 |
256 |
Mountain |
8 |
24 |
60 |
160 |
384 |
The ratio of (AUs produced from using minerals : AUs from
rare byproducts) is determined by the mineral richness of
the planet. As you can see the bonus from rare minerals is
trivial for Very Poor planets but is very significant for
planets that are Very Rich (being equal to the AU’s
earned from consuming all the minerals as food – the
max price for minerals).
The main purpose of the rare mineral bonus(and a similar
bonus to bioharvesting) is to give an incentive to place mining
or bioharvesting DEAs on planets with very good regions for
these DEAs regardless of the need for the minerals or bioharvest
they produce. As the game progresses the need for mineral
and bioharvest DEAs will diminish and I don’t want these
DEAs to become rather useless like farmers did late game in
MOO2. This rare bonus will allow mining DEAs to be viable
choices for planets with good mineral richness even late in
the game and especially desirable when the need for minerals
is significant.
Bioharvest DEAs
Bioharvest DEAs produce bioharvest(food) (and the AU’s
from using that food) and AUs from rare byproducts.
All DEAs require pop to run. There are three levels of pop
requirements, high, med, and low.
There are also three cost basis for DEAs, high, med, and low.
Bioharvest DEAs have a MED pop requirement and a LOW cost
basis. Therefore, they are not quite as attractive as mining
DEAs (but could be more necessary to avoid starvation) to
build on young colonies because of the higher population requirements.
The formula for determining the bioharvest output of a bioharvest
DEA is as follows:
(Base efficiency + Base efficiency mods ) * Efficiency mods
* DEA Capacity
BASE EFFICIENCY – This is the basic bioharvest output
of the bioharvest DEA before any mods affect it. You can think
of this as the starting productivity of the DEA. The base
efficiency of a bioharvest DEA depends on which region it
is placed (only mining and bioharvest DEAs are so effected)
and is as follows:
First, bioharvest base efficiency is affected by the fertility
and terrain of the region it is placed in. To get a better
picture of just what exactly determines the fertility of a
region I have included a table below.
Displayed as ecosystem density on top by habitability ring
along the side
Maple Leaf Color |
grass-green |
grass-brown |
brown |
red-brown |
red |
Very Dense |
Dense |
Average |
Sparse |
Very Sparse |
Paradise |
Lush |
Alluvial |
Fertile |
Arable |
Hard Scrabble |
Homeworld |
Alluvial |
Fertile |
Arable |
Hard Scrabble |
Subsistence |
Green 1 |
Fertile |
Arable |
Hard Scrabble |
Subsistence |
Barren |
Green 2 |
Arable |
Hard Scrabble |
Subsistence |
Barren |
Hostile |
Yellow 1 |
Hard Scrabble |
Subsistence |
Barren |
Hostile |
Toxic |
Yellow 2 |
Subsistence |
Barren |
Hostile |
Toxic |
Toxic |
Red 1 |
Barren |
Hostile |
Toxic |
Toxic |
Toxic |
Red 2 |
Hostile |
Toxic |
Toxic |
Toxic |
Toxic |
Fertility is a measure of how favorable the region is for
supporting life compatible to a particular species. Fertility
affects the base efficiency of a bioharvest DEA placed in
and the maximum population growth rate of that region.
Ecosystem Density is the measure of the biomass of the region.
It has a range from very dense (dense tropical forest) to
very sparse (desert). And is shown by the color of the maple
leaf on each region of the planetary infrastructure display.
The ecosystem density of a region doesn’t change with
respect to species(I.e. it is the same no matter who is looking
at the planet). The region with the best ecosystem density
has the best fertility. Also, if a region has a grass-green
maple leaf (very dense ecosystem density) it has the best
fertility allowed for a planet of that habitability ring.
A quick rational for regions having the same fertility but
different habitability/ecosystem density levels. A Green 2
planet with Very sparse region is able to support about the
same amount of compatible life as a Red 2 planet with very
dense region hence they both have the same fertility (hostile).
The second planet region can support more total biomass but
only a small percentage of that biomass would be compatible.
The habitability ring is determined by the location of the
planet on the habitability display (temperature and atmospheric
density) and the distance of that planet to the ideal habitability
of a particular species.
Each horizontal row represents a planet habitability ring
with the full range of fertility allowed for that habitability
ring. Ecosystem density is the only factor that gives a variance
to the fertility of the regions on a planet in a particular
habitability ring.
If a planet is terraformed one level, all regions will improve
one fertility level (except some toxic regions – I don’t
distinguish between toxic levels of a region; if exposure
to a region that is toxic harms in 5 minutes or 60 minutes,
it matters very little as in either case you’re hurt
If a region is regionally terraformed one level (one ecological
infrastructure building added improving the ecosystem density
of that region one level) its fertility will also improve
one level (again, except some toxic regions).
Now, lets talk about biodiversity. Biodiversity is kind of
the bioharvest counterpart of mineral richness. But you tend
to find higher biodiversity with older solar systems (the
opposite of mineral richness) Biodiversity has two effects
in the game. 1) Affects starting ecosystem density of the
planet. Each region has the same chance of starting with any
ecosystem density on a planet with a biodiversity of Heterogeneous.
Higher biodiversity increases the chance of each region starting
with a higher ecosystem density. 2) Affects the amount of
AUs generated by rare byproducts from bioharvest DEAs on that
OK, now that I have given you a glimmer of how planet development
works (I’ll explain more when I cover solar system creation),
here’s bioharvest base efficiency:
Geodic Species Table
Regional Fertility |
Regional Dominant
Terrain Type |
Mountain |
Broken |
Plain |
Lush |
14 |
12 |
10 |
Alluvial |
10 |
8 |
6 |
Fertile |
6 |
5 |
4 |
Arable |
4 |
3 |
2 |
Hard Scrabble |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Subsistence |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Barren |
1 |
0.5 |
0 |
Hostile |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Toxic |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Cybernetik Species Table
Regional Fertility |
Regional Dominant
Terrain Type |
Mountain |
Broken |
Plain |
Lush |
12 |
12 |
12 |
Alluvial |
8 |
8 |
8 |
Fertile |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Arable |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Hard Scrabble |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Subsistence |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Barren |
0.5 |
0.5 |
0.5 |
Hostile |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Toxic |
0 |
0 |
0 |
All Other Species Table
Regional Fertility |
Regional Dominant
Terrain Type |
Mountain |
Broken |
Plain |
Lush |
10 |
12 |
14 |
Alluvial |
6 |
8 |
10 |
Fertile |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Arable |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Hard Scrabble |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Subsistence |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Barren |
0 |
0.5 |
1 |
Hostile |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Toxic |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Note: Remember, this is base bioharvest efficiency. Having
a "0" only means that building a bioharvest DEA
on that region needs a building or achievement to raise the
bioharvest efficiency above zero.
A bioharvest DEA placed in a region with plains terrain and
alluvial fertility (the first region on all homeworld planets)
would have a base efficiency of 10 for most species except
for cybernetik (8) or geodic (6). That bioharvest DEA would
produce 10,8,or 6 bioharvest (depending on which species occupies
that region) if no other mods affected it.
BASE EFFICIENCY MODS are mods that directly affect the base
efficiency of the DEA and are added to the base efficiency
before any other mods take effect. They consist of:
(species mods + race picks + bioharvest DEA buildings + bioharvest
DEA planetary builds + bioharvest achievements)
species mods
Elder Civilization (Antarans) |
race picks (Bioharvest)
Efficiency |
Rare |
Superior (+2) |
1.3 |
Good (+1) |
1.15 |
Average (0) |
1 |
Poor (-1) |
0.85 |
Below is a table for the rest of the mods organized by increasing
techs. The numbers in () represent the mod to base bioharvest
efficiency. Don’t be fooled by the small numbers. These
mods can have a MUCH greater impact on the final output of
the farm because they are factored in FIRST before any other
mods. A +1 could give a net boost of 25 to bioharvest output
late in the game.
Cost |
Tech Lvl |
DEA Bld |
Planetary Bld |
Achievement |
25 |
Bio Sc 10 |
Automated Biocare (+1) |
60 |
Bio Sc 20 |
Byproduct Reprocessing (+2) |
60* |
Bio Sc 23 |
Orbital Biomonitoring (+1) |
0 |
Bio Sc 28 (+Phys 25) |
Biomorphic Fungi(+1) |
100 |
Bio Sc 30 |
Genetic Engineering (+3) |
175* |
Phys 39 (+MC 36) |
Helio Regulator (+2) |
0 |
Bio Sc 45 |
Mineralmorphic Bacteria(+2) |
150 |
Antaran |
Dyno Mutant Victuals (+4) |
Any secondary tech requirement is shown as “(+tech
lvl)”. That secondary tech lvl, if present, must also
be satisfied before you can develop that tech.
* the cost is multiplied by the square root of the number
of regions on the planet. Therefore the multiplier has a range
of 1-3.46. Weigh the benefit/cost before building one of these
planetary buildings because the cost is the same regardless
of the number of bioharvest DEAs present on the planet (I.e.
don’t build one if there are no bioharvest DEAs on the
Note: both bioharvest achievements (Biomorphic Fungi and
Mineralmorphic Bacteria) do more than just add to the base
efficiency of bioharvest DEAs. They also expand the range
of habitability rings that will allow bioharvest DEAs to be
built. Normally, you can’t build a bioharvest DEA on
a planet with a Yellow 2, Red 1or Red 2 habitability ring.
But one or both achievements will reduce or eliminate this
Biomorphic Fungi |
expands bioharvesting 2 rings |
Mineralmorphic Bacteria |
expands bioharvesting 1 ring |
EFFICIENCY MODS are mods that usually affect all DEAs on
the planet and are
(Infrastructure*Gravity*Leaders*Government type*Morale*Pollution*Specials*Moon
DEA productivity from population)
I will cover this later since it pertains to all DEAs on the
I will partially explain two of these mods now because of
player requests and the fact that they influence the output
of DEAs on your homeworld from the beginning of the game.
DEA productivity from population – that number is shown
on the planet screen and represents the multiplier used to
increase the efficiency of all DEAs on the planet.
Government type –
Gov series |
Gov type |
Bioharvest |
Mineral |
Industrial |
Research |
Absolutist |
Despotism |
0.8 |
1.0 |
1.2 |
0.95 |
Monarchy |
0.8 |
1.0 |
1.3 |
0.9 |
Oligarchy |
0.9 |
0.9 |
1.0 |
1.2 |
Const. Monarchy |
1.0 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
Representative |
Corporate |
1.2 |
1.2 |
1.1 |
1.05 |
Democracy |
1.15 |
1.1 |
1.1 |
1.05 |
Parliamentary |
1.0 |
1.2 |
1.3 |
1.05 |
Republicanism |
1.0 |
1.2 |
1.2 |
1.05 |
Collectivist |
Hive |
1.15 |
1.2 |
1.1 |
1.05 |
Unification |
1.1 |
1.15 |
1.05 |
1.2 |
There are additional areas that Gov mods affect but because
of format restrictions I will post the rest later.
DEA CAPACITY is from the DEA (always one) and any capacity
buildings present AND any FLUs present( I forgot to include
FLUs in mining capacity – it is the same as presented
here). All Capacity buildings require additional population
to run and represent the “extensiveness” of the
DEA facilities. These buildings generally give a greater boost
to bioharvest production than efficiency buildings but cost
more to build/maintain and require population to run.
Cost |
Tech Lvl |
Capacity Bld |
Pop Requirements |
50 |
0 |
Bioharvest DEA (1) |
0.67 |
40 |
Bio Science 5 |
Soil Enrichment (+0.5 or +50%) |
0.67 |
100 |
Bio Science 15 |
Controlled Environment Farming(+1
or +100%) |
0.67 |
180 |
Bio Science 25 |
Soil Rejuvenators (+1.5 or +150%) |
0.67 |
300 |
Bio Science 35 |
Ecosystem Controller (+2 or +200%) |
0.67 |
If you have all 4 capacity buildings present in a bioharvest
DEA the total capacity would be 6 and the pop requirements
to run at 100% would be 3.35 pop. Up to 6 organtic FLUs could
also employed.
Organic FLUs – the capacity of DEAs can also be increased
by employing organic FLUs. For each full integer capacity
a DEA has one FLU can be employed (I.e. a DEA with a capacity
of 6 could employ a maximum of 6 organic FLUs). The benefit
to the DEA employing FLUs depends on the number employed and
the FLU Oppressometer setting. Each organtic FLU employed
at a DEA increases the capacity of said DEA by 0.1 times the
Oppressometer setting (0-10) giving a net benefit of 0.0 –
1.0 capacity increase for each FLU employed. Theoretically,
assuming maximum FLUs employed and maximum oppressometerare
setting, organic FLUs could double the capacity (and hence
the production) of most DEAs.
Robotic FLUs – I will talk about this later.
The amount of money earned from the usage of bioharvest depends
on how they are used.
Consumed as food – 20 AUs/bioharvest
Consumed by Industrial DEAs to create Industry – 10
Any excess sold off – 5 AUs/bioharvest – this
is multiplied by (100% - the unemployment rate) to simulate
supply and demand for the excess minerals.
Note that the prices for bioharvest are lower than minerals.
I did this for two reasons. 1) Most species consume bioharvset
as food (getting the better price). 2) Regional fertility
can be improved by techs, allowing the eventual possibility
for all regions to be terraformed to the best fertility (lush).
Mining has no such benefit.
Below is the money earned by a bioharvest DEA producing only
the bioharvest from its base efficiency (all other mods having
no effect in this example) and having ALL of the bioharvest
produced consumed by Industrial DEAs on the same or shipped
any other planet.
Regional Dominant
Terrain Type Ordered
By Species Preference
Geodic |
Mountain |
Broken |
Plain |
Cybernetic |
All Other |
Plain |
Broken |
Mountain |
Regional Fertility |
Favorable |
Neutral |
Unfavorable |
Lush |
140 |
120 |
100 |
Alluvial |
100 |
80 |
60 |
Fertile |
60 |
50 |
40 |
Arable |
40 |
30 |
20 |
Hard Scrabble |
30 |
20 |
10 |
Subsistence |
20 |
10 |
0 |
Barren |
10 |
5 |
0 |
Hostile |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Toxic |
0 |
0 |
0 |
DOUBLE these numbers if all the minerals are consumed as
food and HALF them if all are sold off as excess.
This represents any exotic/rare compounds from life forms
found during the bioharvesting process and gives a bonus to
AU’s produced by the farm without affecting its normal
The formula is: AUs = Bioharvest produced * biodiversity
factor * 2.5 * race pick
This formula is illustrated below assuming a bioharvest DEA
with only it’s base efficiency:
Regional Fertility |
Favorable |
Neutral |
Unfavorable |
Lush |
14 |
12 |
10 |
Alluvial |
10 |
8 |
6 |
Fertile |
6 |
5 |
4 |
Arable |
4 |
3 |
2 |
Hard Scrabble |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Subsistence |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Barren |
1 |
0.5 |
0 |
Hostile |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Toxic |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Times biodivestity factor
Very Similar |
Similar |
Heteregeneous |
Diverse |
Very Diverse |
1 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
8 |
tuning variable of 2.5* race pick
gives a result of
Regional Fertility |
Lush |
35_30_25 |
70_60_50 |
105_90_75 |
175_150_125 |
280_240_200 |
Alluvial |
25_20_15 |
50_40_30 |
75_60_45 |
125_100_75 |
200_160_120 |
Fertile |
15_13_10 |
30_25_20 |
45_38_30 |
75_63_50 |
120_100_80 |
Arable |
10_8_5 |
20_15_10 |
30_23_15 |
50_38_25 |
80_60_40 |
Hard Scrabble |
8_5_3 |
15_10_5 |
23_15_8 |
38_25_13 |
60_40_20 |
Subsistence |
5_3_0 |
10_5_0 |
15_8_0 |
25_13_0 |
40_20_0 |
Barren |
3_1_0 |
5_3_0 |
8_4_0 |
13_6_0 |
20_10_0 |
Hostile |
0_0_0 |
0_0_0 |
0_0_0 |
0_0_0 |
0_0_0 |
Toxic |
0_0_0 |
0_0_0 |
0_0_0 |
0_0_0 |
0_0_0 |
Note: the table above lists the AUs from rare bioharvest
for each biodiversity level and each terrain preference (favorable,
neutral, unfavorable) of the species.
The ratio of (AUs produced from using bioharvest : AUs from
rare byproducts) is determined by the biodiversity of the
planet. As you can see the bonus from rare bioharvest is trivial
for Very Sparse planets but is very significant for planets
that are Very Dense (being equal to the AU’s earned
from consuming all the bioharvest as food – the max
price for bioharvest).
The main purpose of the rare bioharvest bonus (and a similar
bonus to mining) is to give an incentive to place bioharvesting
or mining DEAs on planets with very good regions for these
DEAs regardless of the need for the bioharvest or minerals
they produce. As the game progresses the need for bioharvest
and mineral DEAs will diminish and I don’t want these
DEAs to become rather useless like farmers did late game in
MOO2. This rare bonus will allow bioharvest DEAs to be viable
choices for planets with good biodiversity even late in the
game and especially desirable when the need for bioharvest
is significant.
Regional bioharvest buildings.
There two buildings that produce bioharvest (but no rare
bioharvest) at the regional level without the need for a bioharvest
DEA in that region. They are:
Cost |
Tech Lvl |
Regional Bld |
Bioharvest produced |
15 |
Bio Science 02 |
Hydroponic Farms |
0.5 |
45 |
Physics 18 (+Bio Science 15) |
Subterrenean Farms |
1.0 |
These buildings allow planets to produce a nominal amount
of bioharvest without needing to devote a DEA slot to bioharvesting.
This benefit is significant on planets that are unable to
place bioharvest DEAs because of poor habitability. A little
food is a LOT better than no food when it comes to starvation.
Tom Hughes, designer, MOO3