Races | Race
Pick |
Meaning |
Boni |
Cost |
Population |
These bonuses affect the rate at which
the population grows. The amount of population growth
is multiplied by this bonus. Low population growth rates
are a result of shorter life spans, health weaknesses,
etc., while higher growth rates result from the opposite.
Population growth modifiers include -50% growth [-4],
+50% growth [3], +100% growth [6]. |
-50% Growth
+50% Growth
+100% Growth |
6 |
Farming |
Farming bonuses affect the amount of food
that each farmer can grow. Races with farming bonuses
have developed advanced agricultural techniques, while
races with penalties lack farming aptitude. Races with
farming penalties cannot be reduced below 1 food per farmer
if the world has any life bearing environment. Farming
modifiers include -1/2 food [-3], +1 food [4], +2 food
[7]. |
-1/2 Food
+1 Food
+2 Food |
7 |
Industry |
Industry bonuses affect the amount of production
that each factory worker can produce. Races with industry
bonuses have developed advanced manufacturing techniques,
while races with penalties lack manufacturing aptitude.
Races with industrial penalties cannot be reduced below
1 unit of production per worker. Industry modifiers include
-1 production [-3], +1 production [3], +2 production [6]. |
-1 Production
+1 Production
+2 Production |
6 |
Science |
Science bonuses affect the amount of research
that ach scientist generates. Races with science bonuses
have developed advanced research techniques, while races
with penalties lack scientific aptitude. Races with science
penalties cannot be reduced below 1 unit of research per
scientist. Science modifiers include -1 research [-3],
+1 research [3], +2 research [6]. |
-1 Research
+1 Research
+2 Research |
6 |
Money |
Money bonuses affect the amount in credits
a population can be taxed. Races with monetary bonuses
have developed advanced commercial concepts, while races
with penalties lack economic skills. Monetary modifiers
include -0.5 BC [-4], +0.5 BC [5], +1 BC [8]. |
-0.5 BC
+0.5 BC
+1.0 BC |
8 |
Ship Defense |
Ship Defense bonuses decrease the chances
of enemy fire hitting you in ship to ship combat. Races
with bonuses in defense have developed keen evasion senses
and have a much better chance of misleading an attacker.
Penalties, on the other hand, indicate the race has difficulty
visualizing complex 3 dimensional motions. Defense modifiers
include -20 defense [-2], +25 defense [3], +50 defense
[7]. |
+50 |
7 |
Ship Attack |
Ship Attack bonuses improve the chances
of a ship engaged in combat to hit its target. Races with
bonuses have developed the ability to anticipate a target's
motion, and have a much better chance of hitting the target.
Penalties, on the other hand, indicate a race with poor
depth perception and tracking skills. Attack modifiers
include -20 attack [-2], +20 attack [2], +50 attack [4]. |
+50 |
4 |
Ground Combat |
Ground Combat bonuses affect the combat
effectiveness of troops engaged in planetary combat or
ship boarding actions. Higher bonuses are normally indicative
of races with extraordinary strength and agility, while
lover combat bonuses indicate the lack thereof. Ground
combat modifiers include -10 [-2], +10 [2], +20 [4]. |
+20 |
4 |
Spying |
Spying bonuses affect the sabotage and
espionage skills of a race. Races with high spying bonuses
have specialized disguise abilities or advanced espionage
equipment. All offensive spies sent on mission will recieve
a full bonus/penalty, while defensive spies receive one-half
the amount. Modifiers include -10 [-3], +10 [3], +20 [6]. |
+20 |
6 |
Government |
Meaning |
Cost |
Feudal |
Feudal Governments are fuled by powerful families similiar
to medieval Europe. Due to the fragmented and warlike
nature of these governments they receieve certain benefits
and penalties.
- Ship costs are reduced by 1/3.
- Planets suffer a -20% morale penalty unless they have
a marine or armor barracks.
- Feudal governments have all research generated by scientists
reduced by 50%.
- Feudal governments assimilate captured population at
the rate of 1 population every 8 turns.
- Feudal populations instantly assimilate when conquered
by another race. There are always local barons looking
out for themselves. |
-4 |
Dictatorship |
In this form of government, one being has absolute power.
All orders and decisions made are final and the general
populace is ruled with an iron hand. This control confers
several benefits and disadvantages to dictatorships.
- Defensive agents receieve a +20 bonus due to increased
internal security.
- Planets suffer a -20% morale penalty unless they have
a marine or armor barracks.
- Dictatorships assimilate captured population at the
rate of 1 population every 8 turns. |
0 |
Democracy |
The people elect representatives to run the government.
No single body of people directly controls the government
and the personal freedoms are greatest of all forms of
- Defensive agents are penalized -10 due to the emphasis
on personal freedom.
- Democracies assimilate captured population at the rate
of 1 population every 4 turns.
- Due to the free exchange of ideas all research generated
by scientists is increased +50%.
- Democracies are prohibited from annihilating captured
populations. |
7 |
Unification |
Only a few races are genetically capable of forming
a unified government. The population exists harmoniously
with jealousy, envy or concern for individual advancement.
Each works for the improvement of the whole, instad of
the desires of the individual. The unified government
is the social equivalent to a colony of bees.
- Defensive agents receive a +15 bonus due to the lack
of traitors.
- All morale affects and any buildings modifying morale
are ignored by unification governments.
- Unification governments assimilate captured population
at the rate of 1 population every 20 turns.
- Increased productivity results in a +50% bonus to all
industrial production.
- Increased productivity results in a +50% bonus to all
food production. |
6 |
Special Ability |
Meaning |
Cost |
Low-G World |
Races which come from low gravity worlds are considerably
weaker than races from normal-G worlds, and have great
difficulty adapting to more intense gravity fields. Colonists
can operate only in low-G worlds without penalty, and
suffer half the heavy-G penalty in normal-G environments.
Finally, Low-G troops are weaker and suffer a -10 ground
combat penalty. Low-G and Heavy-G are mutually exclusive. |
-5 |
High-G World |
Races which come from heavy gravity worlds are considerably
hardier than races from normal-G worlds, and colonists
can operate in both heavy-G and normal-G worlds without
penalty. In addition, ground troops can sustain substantially
more physical damage than other troops, taking 1 more
hit than normal troops before being slainn in ground combats.
Heavy-G and Low-G are mutually exclusive. |
6 |
Aquatic |
Aquatic races originate on ocean worlds, and therefore
can more easily adapt to primarily water based environments.
Aquatic races treat Tundra and Swamp worlds as Terran
and Ocean and Terran as Gaia environments both for food
production and maximum planetary population. |
5 |
Subterranean |
Races which were originally subterranean are better
adapted to living underground, and are capable of building
expansive complexes below the surface of the planet. As
a result, these races' maximum population on all worlds
is increased by twice that world's size class. Also, subterranean
ground troops receive a +10 combat bonus when defending
their colonies. |
6 |
Large Homeworld |
The home world of your race is large instead of the
normal medium size. |
1 |
Rich Homeworld |
The home world or your race is mineral rich, producing
a base 5 production per worker. Rich Home World and Poor
Home World are mutually exclusive. |
2 |
Poor Homeworld |
The home world of your race is mineral poor, producing
a base 2 production per worker. Poor Home World and Rich
Home World are mutually exclusive. |
-1 |
Artifacts World |
The home world of your race has ancient artifacts. All
scientists produce +2 research on this planet. |
3 |
Cybernetic |
Races which are cybernetic use mechanical appendages
and artifical organs to sustain life. They consume only
one half food each, and supplement the other half with
one half production unit. Cybernetics also have an enhanced
ability to repair their ships due to the ease with which
they interface with mechanical devices, 10% of a ship's
armor and structure and 5% of a ship's internal systems
will be repaired each round of combat. All daamge to cybernetic
ships is repaired after combat. Cybernetics and Lithovore
are mutually exclusive. |
4 |
Lithovore |
These are races which comsume rocks instead of food,
thus can subsist on any planet simply by eating the minerals.
Lithovores do not require any food whatsoever. Lithovore
and Cybernetics are mutually exclusive. |
10 |
Repulsive |
Other races find dealing with repulsive races inpossible.
Therefore, repulsive races are unable to form any agreements
with other races. They can only use diplomacy system to
declare war and to sue for peace. Legendary officers demand
an increase for 50% to their cost of hiring to serve with
repulsive races. Furthermore, these races assimilate conquered
colonists into their population at half the normal rate.
Repulsive and Charismatic are mutually exclusive. |
-6 |
Charismatic |
Races which are extremely charismatic ar quick to make
allies and can almost always talk themselves out of problems.
This ability doubles the ffect of all good diplomatic
actions, and halves that of all negative ones. When proposing
deals, charismatic races have a +50% bonus to their chance
of the opponent accepting. Charismatic races attract more
legendary officers and leaders, halving their hiring cost
and increasing frequency with which heroes are hired.
In addition, they double the rate at which conquered colonists
are assimilated into their empire. Charismatic and Repulsive
are mutually exclusive. |
3 |
Uncreative |
Races which are not particularly create have great difficulty
coming up with difficult new technology ideas. Uncreative
races will be able to research only 1 application selected
randomly in any field. Uncreative and Creative are mutually
exclusive. |
-4 |
Creative |
Races which are creative have little difficulty in comingup
with new technology ideas. As a result, these races gain
every application in the fields that they research, instead
of only the specific application selected. Creative and
Uncreative are mutually exclusive. |
8 |
Tolerant |
These races typically regenerate, or have a metabolism
quite unlike that of a standard humanoid. Races that are
environmentally tolerant treat all planet environments
as Terran for purposes of maximum population. Tolerant
races also ignore pollution, not spending any industry
to clean up. On multi-racial colonies, the portion of
non-tolerant population to tolerant population determines
the amount of pollution that must be cleaned. For example,
If there are 3 tolerant and 7 non-tolerant population
units 7/10 of the pollution must be cleaned up. |
10 |
Fantastic Traders |
Races which are fantastic traders possess a keen understanding
of economics and deal making. They add +25% to the profit
they receive from trade treaties, and receive 1 BC per
surplus food created. In addition, they receive a +100%
bonus to the amount of money they receive for building
trade goods. |
4 |
Telepathic |
Telepathic races are capable of reading the minds of
other beings, allowing them to exacly isolate the motivations
of anyone that they are attempting to negotiate with.
As a result, telepathic races gain +25% diplomacy bonus
when conducting negotiations with other races. Telepaths
can also use their mental abilities for mind control.
Telepathic fleets with at least one cruiser or larger
ship can mind control a planet instead of bombarding or
invading. Mind Control gains ownership of the colony for
all purposes instantly assimilating all population. Finally,
telepathic spies are extremely adept at evading enemy
agents and receive a +10% bonus to all spy actions. |
6 |
Lucky |
Races which are lucky do not suffer from random galactic
disasters, and have a greater chance of benefiting from
good events. Antarans will also have a tendency to overlook
the colonies of lucky players. |
3 |
Omniscient |
Omniscient races are visionaries capable of spanning
the galaxy with their minds. This allows you to know all
the star system and planetary data throughout the entire
galaxy at the start of the game. In addition, enemy fleets
are automatically detected, regardless of stealth special
abilities or technologies. |
3 |
Stealthy Ships |
Races with stealthy ships have manage to completely
mask their ships from long range sensors. This special
ability has no effect on ship combat, but their ships
will remain unseen on the main screen. |
4 |
Trans Dimensional |
Trans-dimensional beings are capable of folding the
fabric of space with their minds, allowing them to increase
the speed at which ships travel through the galaxy by
2 parsecs per turn. Furthermore, trans-dimensional races
gain +4 to their combat speed. |
5 |
Warlord |
Races with the warlord special ability have all the
crews function as one level of experience higher than
normal, and the crews have the potential to eventually
become ultra-elites. Warlords double the rate at which
marines and tanks are built and allows barracks to support
twice the normal number of troops. Each colony produces
2 command points. |
4 |
Thanks to Andy for collecting and
providing us with the data. |