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Form Trade Agreement: Trade can be very profitable for both sides. Once both empires have at least 100BC in total production a trade agreement can be made. It will be several turns before trade will actually produce any income. As the length of time the two empires have been trading together increases, the profit will increase until finally equaling the value of the treaty.

Threaten/Break Treaty and Trade: lets you break any treaties you have made with other empires. The other emperors will remember every treaty you have broken with them, so do not break any treaties lightly. You may also threaten to attack another race in order to extort tribute from them. Depending on the relative strengths of the empires, the other empire may ignore you, give tribute, or declare war.

Offer Tribute: is the quickest way to improve relations with another empire. You may give tribute in either BC’s or technology. Technological tribute is very effective and will have long lasting effects on relations. Monetary tribute is drawn from your Planetary Reserve.

Exchange Technology: allows the trading of technology between empires. The other emperor will give you a list of technologies that he would be willing to trade. After you choose which technology you are interested in, your opponent will give you a list of what he will accept in trade for that knowledge.

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