Planetary Pollution
1. Economic Overview
2. Planetary Pollution
3. Mining
I Pollution Creation
II Pollution Clean Up Costs
III Accumulated Pollution
While military operations cause collateral damage that might inflict
pollution, here we will focus on self inflicted pollution
from economic production.
Planetary Pollution Generated =
((Production Pollution
* Race Picks
* Government Agenda
* Pollution Creation Variable) * Pollution
Reduction Multipliers)
Pollution Tolerance [If this value is less than 0, it is treated
as 0.]
The Pollution Creation Variable is a "Tuning Variable"
set at one (1).
Cost to Clean Up Pollution =
1 AU per
(1 + Pollution
Clean Up Achievements + Pollution
Clean Up Facilities + Race Pick)
units of pollution
The remaining pollution accumulates, if the full cost to clean it
up isn't paid.
Production Efficiency Loss Multiplier from Accumulated Pollution
0.50 ^ (Mess Level
/ 100 + Race Pick)
[So, for every multiple of 100 the Mess Level obtains, its DEA efficiencies
are halved.]
Environmental Degradation from Accumulated Pollution:
For every (50 + Race
Pick) Mess Level a planet has, its Habitability Ring is considered
reduced by one level. [That
is, Paradise drops to Optimal, Optimal drops to Inner Green circle,
Inner Green circles drops to Outer Green circle, Outer Green circle
drops to Inner Yellow circle, etc.]