The Romilian Battles
Part Four
Romilian Battle Log 415 GC (Danar Morgan)
The Raas have rekindled the war with us as expected. Obvously they have forgotten the defeat at the Tachidi Homeworld. We have fully prepared for this exact moment. The war with the Tachidi and the Nommo did not cause exceptional casualties and our reserve fleet now exceeds 4,000. We have already moved our battle veteran fleets from the Nommo war to the 5 battle fronts.
Our last encounter showed us that the Raas do not possess strong missile technology while that is our strong point. The recent battle has confirmed this weakness still exists. All our new ships have been designed to maximize this strength.
Our only concern for a long war is the number of ships the Raas can throw at us. Our ships our stronger but I estimate the Raas must have at least double our numbers of ships from spy reports.
Our strategy will be simple we will concentrate our attack on the Paladia/Ket Front and we will attempt to push them back to Suud.
Our second Front will attack from the Tejat/Indu San front in an attempt to push them back to Tefnut.
We will defend the Yekul front only. If the war progresses well we will then push our force towards Warbir.
Romilian Battle Log 450GC (Danar Morgan)
The war has progressed better than expected. We have met all our objectives and have captured/destroyed 36 Raas worlds. Their fleet has been unable to stop us and have retreated in most of the battles. The one victory the Raas have had is swaying the New Orions to harass us with a massive spy wave. These terror attacks are becoming extremely annoying. We have ignored them long enough and if they continue their campaign we will be dealing with them very soon...
Romilian Battle Log 505GC (Danar Morgan)
After threatening the New Orions they ceased their activities, however it did not last long. We have taken the last 5 cycles to amass a fleet of 1,000 elite ships 2 jumps away from Orion with the sole purpose of making them pay for all their crimes.
Attack on Orion
A scan showed a New Orion fleet of 144 plus the planetary defenses. I am well aware that one of those fleets is a Armada of the once great Antaran fleet and possesses the dreaded Death rays and Particle beams we fought against so long ago. Our fleet jumped into the system fully ready for battle. The planetary defenses were destroyed by our missiles before they could even fire. The New Orions retaliated with heavy missile fire. The 81 Wolf Fleet exploded from the several barrages of missiles. And the 82 Dragon Fleet is heavily damaged. New Orion fleet is no match, but the Antaran Defense fleet is giving them some offensive might. Amazingly the Antaran Defense fleet is surviving against the direct fire of our 6 remaining armadas. This is a testimate to the technology the Antarans once had. The order was given to release the third volley of missiles. They streaked towards the Antaran fleet savagely ripping through them destroying the ships and activating the defensive Quantum Detonators. It was envigerating to w
itness the familiar purple hue explosions once again. With the force gone the order was given for the Mass bombardment. A scan confirmed the destruction of all New Orion life on the planet. The order was given and the force moved on. Each planet in the Orion system would suffer a similar fate. The New Orions fought desperately to avoid elimination but it was a hopeless cause. All ships and planets were devoid of Antaran life by 513GC thus ending the New Orion Tyranny.
Romilian Battle Log 615GC (Danar Morgan)
Our battle with the Raas has ended with the capture of the last Raas world. A massive invasion overwhelmed the once powerful enemy. Now we will concentrate on rebuilding and preparing for any counter attacks the Antarans or any others may attempt in the future. Scouting Armada's will soon be sent to explore the galactic core for signs of life. We will not repeat the mistakes of our past which lead to the Antaran Rule. We will prevail.
Long live the Romilian Empire...