Orion Federation
Part Two
Through the help of Ambassador Williams and
the improving strength of the military we have been able to
maintain peaceful relations with our neighbors for another
seventy-two years. Our aggressive colonization program has
continued and our influence continues to spread. Relations
with our neighbors remain strong and we are even to the point
of trading technological developments to our mutual benefit.
Ambassador Williams was actually able to trade away five technological
breakthroughs for nine new technologies from three separate
nations! While we do not want to broadcast this success to
widely for fear it might reduce his ability to work such trades
in the future he has been awarded a service medal (kept eyes
only top secret) for his actions.
We are having a problem recruiting and keeping good leaders.
Alien spies are beginning to assassinate our leadership with
a high degree of success. This development is alarming, but
we are able to continue to function at a high degree of efficiency
none the less. If we could pinpoint a specific nation for
these assasinati0ons war might be a viable option!
Now in the year 232 we are having the first major redesign
of our battle fleet. There have been a few skirmishes with
the Gamro Empire, and although we are winning due ot a superiority
in numbers, the lower technology of our ships is telling.
This new redesign will help to alleviate this growing problem/concern.
Admiral Greer has announced that he is pleased with the militaries
performance thus far, but a better fleet with bigger ships
would be desirable.
Admiral Greer actually got a number of chuckles and laughs
from congress when he made the announcement that bigger IS
better. However the draft to approve the redesign effort was
unanimously approved.
In the year 255 we received an intelligence report that one
of our allies was building a VERY powerful war machine. After
some intense effort to verify this we were horrified to learn
that the Auarhciniala had a VERY large battle fleet! Their
fleet had nearly five times the number of ships in service
that we did! In addition to that, they command twice our votes
in the senate, and their economy is on a Total War Setting.
Seeing a possible growing threat with our gas-bag allies
congress immediately approved a change in budgetary policy
to Limited War. The next year, after yet another skirmish
witht eh Gamro Empire at our frontier Admiral Greer orders
his staff to draw up battle plans to fight the crystals.
Two years later, in 258 the Auarhciniala send a fleet of
287 ships to our Psi Leonis System. Fearing that this is the
first step in an impending war we upgrade our military spending
levels to Total War. Not having enough ships in our entire
battle fleet to address this new threat Greer decides to hedge
his bets and hope for a lasting peace with the gas bags.
A new carrier Armada is dispatched to a blocking system new
Psi Leonis leaving only three of our systems in the path of
this huge alien fleet and it is decided to put war plans with
the Gamro off for now. Admiral Greer fully understands that
a single armada will not even give pause to a fleet the size
that the gas bags have built up, but it is a clear signal
and if they go on the war path we will have some additional
time to pull more ships from our reserves.
Acting on a hunch, Admiral Greer assigns a high priority
to colonize every world in this sector that is not already
colonized for colonization. By year 273 every remaining world
in this sector is colonized. Five years later and the gas
bag fleet moves on to greener pastures and with a combination
of colonization and fevered diplomatic effort, another potentially
disastrous war with the Auarhciniala is avoided.
With the threat of war with the gas bags reduced, plans for
war with the Gamro are restarted. Armada after armada is pulled
from reserve and placed in the Remfro fortress system. After
amassing seven full armadas and a number of ground force armies
our fleet is ordered to advance on the Gamro system of Theti
In the year 284 the Gamro declare war on us, several years
before we are able to attack. This actually comes as a pleasant
surprise. We are now able to claim self defense and according
to Ambassador Williams, this will play well on the diplomatic
front. Three years later our battle fleet arrives, and in
288 both Gamro worlds in the system fall to our armies!
In 289, now having plenty of warships to fight and defeat
the Gamro and verifying that the gas bags have pulled their
fleet entirely out of our space we reduce our military spending
to Limited War allowing more resources to be dedicated to
building our colonies and core worlds. The very next year
two major events take place. First, Gamro launch a counter
attack on Theta Indi and it is repulsed without loss! Second,
our trade income actually exceeds our tax income for the first
time in our nations history! Ambassador Willaims is lauded
for his great contributions to our society and a day of celebration
is declared! Our main battle fleet leaves Theta Indi to continue
the war effort.
In 291 Gamro attacks Theta Indi again, this time the age
of our defensive armada is telling as we lose the battle.
The Gamro armada is content to blockade the system for now,
but we will not take the chance that they might decide to
bomb our newly acquired colonies. This same year the main
battle fleet attacks the Gamro system of Whynil and Whynil
I falls to our armies!
In 292 Whynil II falls to our main fleet and our only LR
armada at Whynil is dispatched to Theta Indi to deal with
the Gamro ships located there. While we advance on the Gamro
we are finding it quite interesting to note how many systems
are jointly occupied by the Gamro and Auarhciniala empires.
Seeing an opportunity to dent the influence of Auarhciniala
and expand ours at the same time Admiral Greer initiates a
new secret policy to colonize every Auarhciniala oupost in
this new region. In this fashion we can begin to peacefully
incorporate their species into our society and at the same
time limit their expansion. This is a risky policy in that
if it is noticed and identified as intentional then it could
generate the same war that we have feared for so long. Sure
our military is MUCH stronger now, with larger and more advanced
fleets, but the gas bags still have triple the ships in service
that we do.
After running his ideas through the president the plan is
adopted as “unofficial” and “highly secret”
state policy. Instances where we have lost a few of our outposts
to the gas bags are recorded and sent to Ambassador Williams
just in case he needs the ammunition for defense against the
discovery of our new policy.
By 298 the war against Gamro is going well. They are losing
worlds and systems to us just as rapidly as we can train and
equip new armies and recall armies garrisoned on newly conquered
worlds. In this year our fleets try a bold new venture. Wanting
to test our mettle against the most advanced foe we know of
Admiral Greer sent four armadas, two carrier and two missile,
to the Fieras system to do battle with the Guardian there.
After a lengthy and violent fight our fleet is victorious!
While we lost eight ships from one of our carrier armadas,
the system is now ours!
The populous is overcome with joy over this victory. What
was unsaid be definitely understood among the populous is
that surely if just a small portion of our fleet can destroy
the dreaded guardian; then the dreaded gas bag fleets will
not be quite the threat we had envisioned!
Twenty-two years later we were brought low. In the year 320
we attacked the Gamro Indactyl system. But for the first time
our army was not able to take the world in a single massive
attack! Then in year 321 feeling confident that our forces
on Indactyl I could finish the job this year we turned our
attention to Indactyl III. But the fighting was fierce and
although we were not driven off world, neither world fell
to our forces.
In 322 believing that surely Indactyl I would fall along
with Indactyl III therefore Indactyl VIII was attacked rather
attempting to provide support or reinforcement to the other
two ongoing battles. This time the gamble would pay off. Indactyl
I finally fell in the third year of fighting and Indactyl
III fell in its second. However, the Garmo defenders of Indactyl
were not done and they were able to hold on to a large part
of Indactyl VIII. All of the Indactyl system finally fell
in 323. Seeing our ground forces so sorely taxed has brought
the elation over easier earlier victories down several notches.
Two years later in 325, after our informants told us that
the Auarhciniala empire had a fleet five times the size of
ours, our first orbital battle platforms were designed with
battleship sized hulls. This revelation also sparked a new
and very open debate in congress over funding levels for our
military. The doves proclaim that our solid string of victories
is a clear indication that our military has a large enough
budget the way it is. However the more hawkish elements state
that with a 5-1 disadvantage there is no way our fleet could
withstand an assault by the gas bags. By 331 public opinion
is finally swayed and the budgetary policy is once again adjusted
to Total War.
Ten years after increasing the military budget Admiral Greer
asked for permission to redesign the battle fleet. He noted
that our current designs are over a hundred years old, and
although they are still performing very well against the Gamro,
we are beginning to take more and more losses in our battles
with them. After some debate, the bill to approve the redesign
of the fleet is approved almost unanimously.