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Pardus is a free Massive Multiplayer Online Browser Game (MMOBG) playing in a future where traders, pirates and other pilots of various races and factions strive to gain wealth and fame in space.

"I'm nearly at the end of the Tutorial and I have to say I think it's excellent. If the real thing is as good then I can see me playing the game for quite a while. So far I've, got lost, lost most of my stock (because I got lost), had my ship destroyed twice and yet I still keep going back for more!" - user comment


September, 2002

Contest Winners
Posted by Bladefist on September 26, 2002 at 10:53:00 PM (199 views)
The contest deciding about the participation in the closed Master of Orion 3 beta test is over and the winners have been announced at

Release date, Beta testers, ..
Posted by Bladefist on September 14, 2002 at 10:52:00 PM (183 views)
Constantine Hantzopoulos, Senior Producer, is talking about the release date, beta testers and more at the official Infogrames boards. He confirmed the release date being November 26th, but that may slip out by a week or so. There'll also be a 25 person (who will be chosen based on a fun contest) external beta test soon. Look also for an interview with screenshots on and other updates (details to the beta test) at the official website later next week.
Some new MoO3 fan sites have been added to our links.

Master of Orion 3 status report
Posted by Bladefist on September 10, 2002 at 10:52:00 PM (283 views)
Again, Rantz Hoseley has posted a brief status report at the official forums.

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Concept art, screen shots, game graphics and other assets are provided courtesy of Quicksilver Software, Inc. and are used by permission. Copyright (c) 2001 Quicksilver Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Master of Orion is a registered trademark of Infogrames Entertainment S.A. Neither Quicksilver nor Infogrames Entertainment S.A. have reviewed or recommended any other content on this site.



Pardus - Free Massive Multiplayer Online Browser Game

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