Pardus is a free Massive Multiplayer Online Browser Game (MMOBG) playing in a future where traders, pirates and other pilots of various races and factions strive to gain wealth and fame in space. "I am currently addicted to a game called Pardus.
It kicks arse. Graphics aren't great, but it's browser based, and free." - user comment
May, 2004
New Mod
Posted by Bladefist on May 31, 2004 at 11:59:24 AM (148 views)
Otsego has finished a beta version of his new OtsegoMod.
"Here's my personal effort at a patch, which attempts to fix every bug or misdocumentation that exists in the game and comines the best mods released up to this point. This mod is in beta form so that it could be released in time to be of use to those working on the U(nofficial)O(fficial) patch project.
For a full list of changes and fixes take a look at the readme file."
Posted by Bladefist on May 27, 2004 at 07:35:07 PM (144 views)
Bhruic has released version 0.3 of his MoO3 Patcher. Includes enhancements to allow more complex patches, as well as allowing the user to modify patch settings.
Also out is PatchPak2705 - includes the previous patches to Ground Combat, Transport TF AI and Diplomacy, as well as new options to control how Missiles are controlled in the building stage.
Posted by Bladefist on May 26, 2004 at 08:34:33 PM (153 views)
I've received another email from Quickshot14, author of the MOO3 Unofficial Expansion.
"Hello again,
Master Of Orion 3 Un-offical expansion first release is now out for download on the webpage! Alpha Release 1.0 is the first version of this mod. Feel free to post your feedback, ideas, and testing reports in the offical fourm on QSD in the Alpha Release 1.0 sticky thread. Also if you would like to contriubute a mod, or help with the frontend portion of the mod. Please send an email to me, quickshot14 at
Thank you and I look forward to hearing the communites response and ideas."
The Official Unofficial MoO3 Patch: Testers Needed
Posted by Bladefist on May 24, 2004 at 11:05:16 PM (1018 views)
There is a new effort to rebuild the MoO III experience. A group of modders, testers, and fans have gotten together to form what we're calling The Official Unofficial Patch. Our main goal is to make the game function correctly, fixing all gameplay bugs. Perhaps some of you have been bitten by the visibility bug. Or maybe your most recent game came to a sudden halt due to the finance wraparound bug. That's the kind of stuff that we're going to fix. There will be no "tweaks" to this and that, nor lets add this and this. What we're proposing right now, is simply to fix the game. In the future, we're looking at perhaps adding some tweaks of our own. But we are also looking at a modular type installation that gives you the option to pick and choose want you want to install. Isn't that great or what! If you want just the fixes, then install just the fixes. If you also want, say, increased armada sizes then you can install that too.
We have but one problem... we need more testers. How 'bout you sign up to test the patch versions? The more people we get, the faster we can put modules out. Therefore, your gaming experience will get much better, much quicker. So grab a pen and sign up here, or check out the Moo3 gone? thread and get more info. You may also contact Domaru, the lead tester, at trenteaston (at) gmx (dot) de or ICQ 98842625. We need you. Really. ;)
MoO3 Patcher
Posted by Bladefist on May 24, 2004 at 07:48:06 PM (249 views)
There's a new project in our mod projects section. Bhruic's MoO3 Patcher is the first modification by the fan community that actually modifies the MoO3 executable file.
Head to the project page for more information and of course the downloads.
New mod project
Posted by Bladefist on May 10, 2004 at 04:13:30 PM (282 views)
Today we've accepted a new mod into our mod projects section, the PrimEpic Mod by Zorromorph.
"Primepic is obviously a combination of primitive and epic, the two themes for this mod. It starts all players (except for the New Orions, who are left alone and therefore will be somewhat tougher opponents), in a pre-warp setting, and also will seek to make the game more epic in scale. Many changes will center around more realistic empire expansion. It is tough to be more specific at this point, but the potential for this mod when completed is growing more exciting with each change I make."
For more detailed information and the download link of version 0.1 of the PrimEpic Mod, please click here.
MOO3 UE (Un-offical Expansion) Mod
Posted by Bladefist on May 09, 2004 at 06:53:40 PM (165 views)
I've just received the following email by Quickshot14:
"Hello all MOO fans out there. I am Quickshot14 and I have just started a new mod form Master of Orion 3 called UE or Un-offical Expansion. This mod is going to add and enhance to what MOO3 already has in it in many ways. The mod will also be released in builds so the community and modders out there can try it out, and give feedback, ideas, contribute, and get balance issues fixed.
Please overlook the webpage/sub-page on QSD ( for more info, screenshots, news, and the official forums. Thank you."
Posted by Bladefist on May 09, 2004 at 02:25:20 PM (223 views)
Lord Orion has sent me his new mod called the Ground Combat Fix v1.0. Here's a brief description:
"What does this mod do? It fixes the intended ground combat effectiveness by removing the accuracy, reflexes and toughness attributes (because they don't work, so they are effectively free points for you to use) and entering the totals into racemodifiers.txt where they will work. In order to prevent a large loss of racial point picks by the removal of those 3 attributes, a new "Military" attribute was added. The Military attribute effects fleet maintenance costs and military dea efficiency. The "Military" race pick retains the 70 point spread that made up the 3 removed attributes. eg: Grendarl are prohibited from taking Military "poor" and can gain up to 50 points for choosing to drop down to Military:Average."
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